The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2020 Grade

Voted for the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res. 296? Yes
Cosponsored the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res.296? Yes
Cosponsored the Artsakh Recognition Resolution, H.Res.1203? Yes
Cosponsored the Resolution Condemning the Azerbaijan/Turkey Attacks, H.Res.1165? Yes
Cosponsored the U.S.-Artsakh Travel and Communication Resolution, H.Res.190? No
Cosponsored the Resolution Reaffirming the US-Armenia Strategic Relationship (H.Res.452)? Yes
Cosponsored the 2020 Speier-Cox Amendment to the Foreign Aid Bill for Continued U.S. Aid to Artsakh? Yes
Voted for the 2019 Speier Amendment to the Foreign Aid Bill Calling for $40 Million in Aid to Armenia? Yes
Voted for the 2019 Sherman Amendment to the NDAA against Azerbaijani Threats to Shoot Down Civilian Aircraft? Yes
Signed the 2020 Armenian Caucus Letter Condemning Azerbaijan/Turkey attacks on Armenia/Artsakh? Yes
Signed the 2020 Cox-Sherman-Costa-Clark Letter Calling for Sanctions on Azerbaijan for War Crimes? Yes
Signed the 2020 Speier Letter Against the Anti-Armenian Chabot-Cohen Amendment to NDAA? Yes
Signed the Armenian Caucus Letter Condemning the Azerbaijan War Games in May, 2020? No
Signed the 2019 Sherman-Cox Letter to Continue US Aid for Artsakh De-Mining? Yes
Signed Letters Supporting Pro-Armenian Foreign Aid Priorities in 2019/2020? Yes
Signed the 2020 Titus Letter urging the Library of Congress to properly categorize the Armenian Genocide? Yes
Signed the 2019 Armenian Genocide Letter to the President? No
Signed the 2020 Crenshaw Letter to Block Erdogan’s Visit to DC? Yes
Issued a 2020 Statement Calling for Artsakh Recognition? No
Issued a 2020 Statement Condemning Azerbaijan/Turkey Attacks on Armenia/Artsakh? Yes
Issued an April 24th Statement Marking the Armenian Genocide in 2019/2020? Yes
Commemorated the Sumgait-Baku-Kirovabad Pogroms in 2019/2020? No
Offered Remarks in 2019/2020 making false Khojaly accusations? No
Traveled to Armenia and/or Artsakh in 2019/2020? Yes
Member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues? Yes

10/21/20 - Rep. Titus tweeted "The use of the term "Armenian Genocide" is necessary to paint an accurate picture of history and rightly honor the victims of this atrocity. I'm grateful that the @librarycongress listened to us and will no longer conceal the truth. The Trump Administration should do the same.|#BREAKING: @RepAdamSchiff, (D-CA), @FrankPallone (D-NJ), @RepGusBilirakis (R-FL), @RepSpeier (D-CA), & @repdinatitus (D-NV) announced that the @librarycongress will recognize the Armenian Genocide by amending the catalog entry which previously referred to the Armenian “massacre.”" View the tweet here.

10/16/20 - Rep. Titus tweeted "Tonight, #TeamTitus joined @ANCA_WR to stand with Armenia against Azerbaijan’s aggression in Artsakh." View the tweet here.

10/07/20 - Rep. Titus tweeted "I'm proud to support the Armenian community. Recently I called on the @StateDept to stop Turkish and Azeri aggression in Artsakh. I also helped write an amendment to fund landmine removal in Artsakh and have pressured the @librarycongress to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide." View the tweet here.

09/28/20 - Rep. Titus tweeted "I condemn Azerbaijani attacks on Nagorno Karabakh and Turkey's support for this aggression. The U.S. must lead diplomatic efforts through the OSCE Minsk Group and urge Turkey to stop sending arms and fighters to Azerbaijan." View the tweet here.

08/12/20 - Rep. Titus tweeted "Today I met with members of the @ANCA_DC and @ANCA_WR about the US-Armenia relationship, Turkish aggression, and land mine removal." View the tweet here.

07/09/20 - Rep. Titus tweeted "The Hagia Sophia is deeply important to people of many faiths and backgrounds. I urge the Government of Turkey to maintain the Hagia Sophia’s status as a museum and ensure its preservation in a manner that respects religious pluralism and its rich history." View the tweet here.

04/24/20 - Rep. Titus tweeted "Today we commemorate the solemn anniversary of 1.5 million lives lost in the #ArmenianGenocide. Last year I voted along with my colleagues in Congress to recognize this massacre and I call on governments around the world to join us and work to prevent future atrocities." View the tweet here.

10/29/19 - Rep. Titus tweeted "I just joined my colleagues to pass a historic resolution with broad bipartisan support that recognizes the #ArmenianGenocide. We must remember the victims and refuse to be silent." View the tweet here.

05/30/19 - Rep. Titus tweeted "Today I met with Andy Armenian, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Las Vegas. We discussed the important relationship between Nevada and Armenia and my recent trip to Armenia with the @House_Democracy" View the tweet here.

05/30/19 - Rep. Titus posted the following to Facebook: "Today I met with Andy Armenian, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Las Vegas. We discussed the important relationship between Nevada and Armenia and my recent trip to Armenia with the House Democracy Partnership." View the Facebook post here.

04/24/19 - Rep. Titus tweeted "Today marks 104 years since the start of the #ArmenianGenocide when 1.5 million Armenian lives were lost. It is far past time for the U.S. to formally recognize the Armenian Genocide." View the tweet here.

04/23/19 - Rep. Titus tweeted "Along with a bipartisan group of my colleagues in the House Democracy Partnership, last week I traveled to Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, and Moldova to help advise and strengthen the legislative bodies in these emerging democracies." View the tweet here.

04/15/19 - Rep. Titus tweeted "It was deeply moving to visit the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan last week to pay my respects to the victims of the Armenian Genocide. As we join together in remembrance of the 1.5 million Armenian lives lost, let's recommit to welcoming those who are fleeing persecution." View the tweet here.
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