U.S.-Armenia Ties | Partnership & Progress


Upgrade the strategic U.S.-Armenia partnership—expanding trade, increasing aid, further developing mutually-beneficial political, economic, security, military, and peacekeeping cooperation, and elevating the frequency of bilateral visits at the level of head of state/government.


High-level, bilateral Executive/Legislative U.S.-Armenia dialogue aligned with key deliverables.

Stronger bilateral defense relations, focused on peace-keeping and capacity-building.

Pro-active engagement to avoid undue, improper, or unintended consequences of regional sanctions on Armenia.

A new U.S.-Armenia Double Tax Treaty, promoting new investments and transparency.

A U.S.-Armenia Social Security Totalization Agreement, to clarify pension obligations and entitlements for workers who divide their careers between the U.S. and Armenia.

Maximum utilization of Strategic Dialogue and TIFA meetings.

Non-stop Los Angeles-Yerevan commercial and cargo flights.

U.S. support for reversing Armenia’s rapid deforestation through technical assistance, material aid, and debt-forgiveness.


Secured House passage of the Speier Amendment (2019) increasing U.S. democracy aid to Armenia by $40,000,000.

Spearheaded the signing of the U.S.-Armenia Trade and Investment Agreement (2015), which created a bilateral platform to resolve problems in the U.S.-Armenia trade and investment relationship.

Generated Congressional, corporate, and community support for a U.S.-Armenia Double Tax Treaty to remove artificial barriers that hinder the growth of U.S. investment in Armenia.

Supported the creation of the U.S.-Armenia Economic Task Force (1999), WTO membership (2003), Permanent Normal Trade Relations Status (2005), and Millennium Challenge compact (2006) for rural roads and irrigation.

Countered foreign interests seeking the improper enforcement of regional sanctions (related to Russia, Iran, and Syria) against Armenia.

Educated decision makers about Armenia’s participation in U.S./NATO-led peacekeeping operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Kosovo, and Mali.

Conducted a market-survey gauging consumer interest in non-stop Los Angeles-Yerevan commercial flights.

Supported the Haiti & Armenia Reforestation Act to reverse deforestation and restore native forests through U.S. aid and debt-forgiveness.
Your generosity empowers our advocacy, inspires our work, and sustains our momentum.