The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2010 Grade
Cosponsor of H.Res.252, Armenian Genocide Res. Affirming U.S. Record? NO
Voted for H.Res.252 in the House Foreign Affairs Committee? N/A
Signed the July 2009 letter to President Obama condemning the Turkey-Armenia Roadmap Agreement? NO
Signed the April 2009 letter, initiated by Reps. Robert Wexler and Ed Whitfield, regarding U.S.-Turkey relations? YES
Signed the May 2010 letter initiated by Reps. Steve Cohen and Ed Whitfield AGAINST passage of H.Res.252? YES
Signed the April 2010 letter, initiated by Reps. Russ Carnahan and Ed Whitfield, in support of the Turkey-Armenia Protocols? YES
Signed the April 2009 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the October 2009 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the March 2010 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the April 2010 letter, initiated by Reps. Bill Shuster and Solomon Ortiz, supporting pro-Azerbaijan foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the March 2010 letter to President Obama, initiated by Reps. Bill Shuster and Solomon Ortiz, supporting pro-Azerbaijan issues? NO
Signed the July 2010 letter, initiated by Reps. Bill Shuster and Solomon Ortiz, supporting the nomination of Matt Bryza for U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan? NO
Participated in the 2009 Armenian Genocide “Special Order” Speeches on the House Floor? Participated in the 2009 Armenian Genocide “Special Order” Speeches on the House Floor? NO
Participated in the 2010 Armenian Genocide “Special Order” Speeches on the House Floor? NO
Participated in the April 2009 Capitol Hill Armenian Genocide Observance? NO
Participated in the April 2010 Capitol Hill Armenian Genocide Observance? NO
Member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues? NO

09/29/10 - Remarks submitted for the Congressional Record - Madam Speaker, I rise today to voice my strong opposition to H. Res. 1631, a one-sided resolution that seeks to advance political interests under the guise of the protection of religious sites on the island of Cyprus. This resolution carries with it the potential to significantly damage relations between Turkish and Greek Cypriots at a time when reconciliation talks are at a critical stage. In fact, the United Nations special envoy for Cyprus expressed hope that, an agreement on the divided island could be brokered by the end of the year.

In 2009, Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders took a tremendous step toward reconciliation with the formation of the Cultural Heritage Technical Committee, an organization tasked with the protection, preservation, and restoration of the rich cultural heritage of Cyprus. This committee has made enormous progress in identifying sites, located in both northern and southern Cyprus, which are suitable for restoration and protection. This committee has been one of the most successful vehicles yet created for fostering open dialogue and honest conversation between Greek and Turkish Cypriots on an issue of great importance to both communities. It would be unfortunate if actions by the U.S. Congress were to somehow unintentionally disrupt the progress that has been made so far to protect and restore precious artifacts and heritage sites.

While I commend my colleagues for their desire to protect the rich cultural heritage of Cyprus, the two parties in this conflict are already working to correct the wrongs of the past. This resolution puts their hard work in jeopardy, and I urge Congress to play a peacemaking role, rather than take sides in a dispute.
3/31/2009 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed James Robertson regarding confirmation of signature on Turkey Caucus letter to Obama..

4/1/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC called and emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant regarding US-Turkish relations.

4/21/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC teleconferenced James Robertson (Legislative Assistant regarding US-Turkish relations.

4/22/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant regarding US-Turkish relations.

5/1/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC teleconferenced James Robertson (Legislative Assistant regarding US-Turkish relations.

5/14/2009 - Robert Mangas of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed James Robertson regarding Turkish-American issues raised at HFAC hearing, potential future office visit with Rep. Whitfield..

5/22/2009 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed John S. Sparkman regarding an invitation to lunch with the Turkish Ambassador..

5/29/2009 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed John S. Sparkman regarding an invitation to lunch with the Turkish Ambassador..

6/1/2009 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed John S. Sparkman regarding an invitation to lunch with the Turkish Ambassador..

6/3/2009 - Dennis Hastert of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP met with Rep. Ed Whitfield regarding US - Turkey relations.

6/3/2009 - Robert Mangas of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP met with Rep. Ed Whitfield regarding Turkish-American issues..

6/15/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC teleconferenced James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

7/6/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

7/9/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

7/14/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

7/16/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

7/21/2009 - Robert Mangas of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP met with leg. assistant James Robertson regarding Helsinki Commission meeting.

7/21/2009 - Robert Mangas of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP met with James Roberston regarding Helsinki Commission hearing.

7/22/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

7/30/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

9/1/2009 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed James Robertson (LA) regarding Turkey-Armenia normalization efforts.

9/1/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

10/9/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

10/11/2009 - Janice O'Connell of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding signing of Armenia Turkey normalization protocols.

10/14/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with and emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

10/16/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

10/27/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

11/10/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with Rep. Ed Whitfield and John Sparkman (Chief of Staff) regarding US Turkish relations.

11/12/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding US Turkish relations.

12/3/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC teleconferenced James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US Turkish relations.

12/7/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US Turkish relations.

12/16/2009 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with Johnathan Sparkman (Chief of Staff) regarding US Turkish relations.

1/19/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC called and emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US Turkish relations.

1/28/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/4/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC called and emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/5/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/9/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/11/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC called and emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/12/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC called and emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/16/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC called and emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/17/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC called and emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/19/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/24/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/25/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with Rep. Ed Whitfield regarding US-Turkish relations.

3/2/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with Rep. Ed Whitfield and James Robertson regarding US-Turkish relations.

3/5/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

3/9/2010 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP met with James Robertson Turkish Caucus.

3/9/2010 - Michael Messmer of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC met with Marilyn Dillihay (Chief of Staff), James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant), Heri Abbasi (Legislative Assistant), Rachel Carter (Legislative Assistant) meeting with a few of the congressmen regarding US-Turkey relations.

3/10/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

3/11/2010 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed James Robertson US-Turkish relations.

3/18/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with Rep. Ed Whitfield regarding US-Turkish relations.

3/28/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with Rep. Ed Whitfield regarding US-Turkish relations.

4/13/2010 - Michael Messmer of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant) regarding Rep. Cliff Stearns' office.

4/26/2010 - Janice O'Connell of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed James Robertson (Legislative Assistant) regarding a Turkey Caucus Dear Colleague.

4/27/2010 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed James Robinson Turkey Caucus letter.

5/5/2010 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed James Robinson Turkey Caucus letter.

5/6/2010 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP emailed James Robinson Turkey Caucus letter.
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