The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2010 Grade
Cosponsor of H.Res.252, Armenian Genocide Res. Affirming U.S. Record? NO
Voted for H.Res.252 in the House Foreign Affairs Committee? NO
Signed the July 2009 letter to President Obama condemning the Turkey-Armenia Roadmap Agreement? NO
Signed the April 2009 letter, initiated by Reps. Robert Wexler and Ed Whitfield, regarding U.S.-Turkey relations? NO
Signed the May 2010 letter initiated by Reps. Steve Cohen and Ed Whitfield AGAINST passage of H.Res.252? YES
Signed the April 2010 letter, initiated by Reps. Russ Carnahan and Ed Whitfield, in support of the Turkey-Armenia Protocols? YES
Signed the April 2009 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the October 2009 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the March 2010 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the April 2010 letter, initiated by Reps. Bill Shuster and Solomon Ortiz, supporting pro-Azerbaijan foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the March 2010 letter to President Obama, initiated by Reps. Bill Shuster and Solomon Ortiz, supporting pro-Azerbaijan issues? NO
Signed the July 2010 letter, initiated by Reps. Bill Shuster and Solomon Ortiz, supporting the nomination of Matt Bryza for U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan? NO
Participated in the 2009 Armenian Genocide “Special Order” Speeches on the House Floor? Participated in the 2009 Armenian Genocide “Special Order” Speeches on the House Floor? NO
Participated in the 2010 Armenian Genocide “Special Order” Speeches on the House Floor? NO
Participated in the April 2009 Capitol Hill Armenian Genocide Observance? NO
Participated in the April 2010 Capitol Hill Armenian Genocide Observance? NO
Member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues? NO

07/28/10 - During House Committee on Foreign Affairs hearing on Turkey, Rep. Connolly aggressively defended Turkey, even on its poor relations with Israel, stating that Turkey has reason to not want war with Iran, is a flourishing democracy, Turkey sent troops to Korea, Turkey recognizes Israel's right to exist.

03/4/10 - Remarks offered during House Committee on Foreign Affairs markup of H. Res. 252 - I thank the chair. Mr. Chairman, if this were a symbolic vote in which this committee were being asked to provide a rendering of history this would be an easy vote.

There is no question about what happened 95 years in Ottoman, Turkey, against the Armenian people, but it is 95 years later. We have a modern, constitutional, secular, democratic government in Turkey. It is arguably the model, the secular alternative model from the Muslim world about which the United States cares deeply.

It is a strong United States ally that has helped us in NATO, has helped us in the Middle East peace process historically, has a base on its own soil and, as Mr. Pence indicated just now, has actually troops in Afghanistan side-by-side with American troops. The United States has a great deal at stake in the Turkish relationship, and I believe that if we pass this resolution today we jeopardize that strategic relationship in little and big ways, and I for one do not want to take responsibility for such action. I think, questioning no one?s motives, it would constitute an irresponsible action by this committee given the importance of this bilateral relationship.

I also think at some point we have to recognize that we cannot be passing resolutions judging modern day governments for the actions of previous generations, however horrible they may be. St. Patrick?s Day is coming up. I would love to have a resolution condemning the British Government for the potato famine that killed over a third of the population of Ireland. That was genocide against my people.

Or we could talk about condemning today?s contemporary Russian Government about the depredations of the Stalinist past in the 1920s and 1930s. Why not do that? Or the Spanish Government for the genocide that occurred with indigenous populations throughout the Americas and especially in the Caribbean where they were fully wiped out.

We could go on and on under this logic and with this justification and all of it would be true. We have to look at the consequences of our actions. We have to at some point as Americans who are concerned with American diplomacy and American interests to move on.

I want to see reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey. I want to see us close this tragic chapter in the past, but I don?t want to do it this way and I am not sure at all?in fact, I am sure that the wrong way to do it is for Congress frankly to pontificate on this issue and act as if there will be no consequences when we do.

I hate having this vote because it implies that one is unconcerned about what did happen in the past and about history, and nothing could be further from the truth. This vote is not about the past. This vote is about the future, the future of our relationship with a strong ally. That is how I frame this issue and I hope that is how my colleagues do, and that is why I will be voting no in this resolution. I yield back.

10/29/09 - Rep. Connolly receives award from Rumi Forum -

09/17/09 - Rep. Connolly was keynote speaker at Turkish event hosted by TACTIC-DC (Turkish American Chamber of Trade Industry and Commerce)
1/29/2009 - Michael Messmer of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Rhonda Gillis (Scheduler) regarding meeting request with Turkish parliamentary delegation led by MP Suat Kiniklioglu on 02/04/09..

2/5/2009 - Michael Messmer of the Gephardt Group emailed Rhonda Gillis (Scheduler) regarding a scheduling request for Turkish Ambassador and Richard Gephardt to meet with Rep. Connolly.

2/12/2009 - Michael Messmer of the Gephardt Group met with Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA) regarding a meeting with Turkish Ambassador and Dick Gephardt to discuss US-Turkey relations and Transcaucasus.

2/12/2009 - Richard Gephardt of the Gephardt Group met with Rep. Gerald Connoly (D-VA) regarding US -Turkey relations and Transcaucasus relations.

2/19/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

2/26/2010 - Michael Messmer of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant), Rhonda Gillis (Scheduler) requesting a meeting between the member and visiting parliamentarians.

2/26/2010 - Michael Messmer of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Rhonda Gillis (Scheduler) following up on an e-mail sent on 2/26/2010.

3/3/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC emailed Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

3/9/2010 - Michael Messmer of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC met with Marilyn Dillihay (Chief of Staff), James Robertson (Senior Legislative Assistant), Heri Abbasi (Legislative Assistant), Rachel Carter (Legislative Assistant) meeting with a few of the congressmen regarding US-Turkey relations.

3/9/2010 - Allison Shulman of the Dickstein Shapiro, LLP met with Hera Abbasi Turkish Caucus.

3/10/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

3/19/2010 - Lydia Borland of the Caspian Group LLC met with Rep. Gerry Connolly and James Walkinshaw (Chief of Staff) regarding US-Turkish relations.

4/20/2010 - Michael Messmer of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) regarding Carnahan Dear Colleague on Turkey-Armenia Protocols.

4/26/2010 - Janice O'Connell of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) regarding a Turkey Caucus Dear Colleague.

5/14/2010 - Janice O'Connell of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) meeting request between Embassy and the representative.

5/17/2010 - Janice O'Connell of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) following up to an earlier meeting.

5/17/2010 - Janice O'Connell of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC met with Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) regarding US-Turkish relations.

6/10/2010 - Janice O'Connell of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) requesting a meeting for the Turkish Parliamentary Delegation.

6/10/2010 - Janice O'Connell of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Rhonda Gillis (Scheduler) requesting a meeting for the Turkish Parliamentary Delegation.

7/23/2010 - Janice O'Connell of the Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC emailed Hera Abbasi (Legislative Assistant) regarding House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing: Turkey.
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