June Musurlian Wins 2016 GUSD Elementary School Spelling Bee

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_V4lW1S7w?enablejsapi=1&autoplay=0&cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=1&loop=0&modestbranding=0&rel=1&showinfo=1&playsinline=0&autohide=2&theme=dark&color=red&wmode=opaque&vq=&controls=2&&w=640&h=508]

GLENDALE — On February 1, 2016, June Musurlian became only the fourth Glendale Unified School District elementary-school-student to win back-to-back districtwide spelling bees, in the 40-year history of the event, which has been sponsored by the local chapter of Soroptomist, since 1977. Soropotomist International is a woman’s global service organization.

A year earlier, in 2015, Musurlian became only the third 4th-grader to win the spelling bee, which is usually dominated by 5th & 6th graders, from Glendale’s 20 elementary schools.

This year, in 2016, as a 5th grader, Musurlian seemed more confident, as you will see in the video of spelling bee highlights.

She will now compete in the Los Angeles County Spelling Bee on March 30, 2016. Last year, in that very competitive event, Musurlian finished in a seven-way tie for sixth place. She hopes to do better this year.


Source: Asbarez
Link: June Musurlian Wins 2016 GUSD Elementary School Spelling Bee

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