Markarian to Speak at Illinois Symposium on Armenian Cultural Heritage

Herand Markarian

SKOKIE, Ill. (A.W.)—On Sun., April 3, Dr. Herand Markarian will join Dr. David Pettigrew and Dr. Michael D. Danti in a symposium at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Skokie. Titled “The Forgotten Genocide: The Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Armenia, Bosnia, and Syria,” the symposium will be moderated by Dr. Patty Gerstenblith, who will also deliver the keynote address.

The conversation will reflect on the legacy of the destruction of cultural heritage in Armenia, Bosnia, and Syria, and examine its impact on the international community today.

Markarian’s latest book, The Martyred Armenian Writers 1915-1922, an anthology, takes on the ambitious task of memorializing 13 of the most prominent Armenian writers who were martyred in the genocide.

Markarian is adjunct professor at St. Nersess Armenian Seminary of the Diocese of the Armenian Churches. He is also a playwright, actor, director, poet, and founding member of the Hamazkayin Theater Groups of New York and New Jersey.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Markarian to Speak at Illinois Symposium on Armenian Cultural Heritage

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