VATICAN CITY—A meeting between His Holiness Pope Francis and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, was held at the Papal office in the Vatican on the morning of Nov. 11.
After sharing greetings, Catholicos Aram I expressed his great appreciation for the Pope’s two pronouncements on the Armenian Genocide as the first genocide of the 20th century, which he had made in the Vatican in 2015 and in Armenia in 2016. During the meeting, Pope Francis reiterated his conviction on this matter.
Speaking about the conflicts in the Middle East and the problems churches face, Aram I said that the churches had endured difficulties at the cost of martyrdom for centuries, and yet they continue to remain committed to their vocation. He then thanked Pope Francis and the Vatican for defending the rights of Christians in the Middle East and for supporting efforts towards Christian-Muslim cooperation and conviviality.
Welcoming the Catholicos’ reminder, Pope Francis stressed the importance of the Christian presence in the Middle East and pledged his solidarity. In this context, the two Pontiffs emphasized the need to continue, with renewed pace, interreligious dialogue and collaboration.
Speaking about the importance of the unity of the church, AramI pointed out that establishing a common date for Easter would be a visible expression of Christian unity. The Holy Father reminded the Catholicos that during the last few decades, the Catholic Church has given special attention to this matter and that he welcomes any efforts aimed at fixing a common date, which could be acceptable by all the churches.
Aram I shared with Pope Francis the news that Lebanon had a new president, Gen. Michel Aoun. The Pope warmly greeted the election of a president, considering it an important step towards deepening the Christian-Muslim cohabitation in Lebanon.
Referring to the historical relations between the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia and the Vatican, which dates back to the time of the Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia, Aram I reaffirmed his commitment to continue bilateral relations and collaboration with the Vatican.
At the end of their meeting, both Pontiffs reemphasized the importance of taking the church to the people through initiatives, which make the church a living and relevant reality in the life of the people.

At the end of their meeting, both Pontiffs reemphasized the importance of taking the church to the people.
Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: His Holiness Aram I and Pope Francis Meet in the Vatican