The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2020 Grade
Voted for the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res. 296? Yes
Cosponsored the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res.296? No
Cosponsored the Artsakh Recognition Resolution, H.Res.1203? No
Cosponsored the Resolution Condemning the Azerbaijan/Turkey Attacks, H.Res.1165? No
Cosponsored the U.S.-Artsakh Travel and Communication Resolution, H.Res.190? No
Cosponsored the Resolution Reaffirming the US-Armenia Strategic Relationship (H.Res.452)? No
Cosponsored the 2020 Speier-Cox Amendment to the Foreign Aid Bill for Continued U.S. Aid to Artsakh? No
Voted for the 2019 Speier Amendment to the Foreign Aid Bill Calling for $40 Million in Aid to Armenia? NV
Voted for the 2019 Sherman Amendment to the NDAA against Azerbaijani Threats to Shoot Down Civilian Aircraft? Yes
Signed the 2020 Armenian Caucus Letter Condemning Azerbaijan/Turkey attacks on Armenia/Artsakh? No
Signed the 2020 Cox-Sherman-Costa-Clark Letter Calling for Sanctions on Azerbaijan for War Crimes? No
Signed the 2020 Speier Letter Against the Anti-Armenian Chabot-Cohen Amendment to NDAA? No
Signed the Armenian Caucus Letter Condemning the Azerbaijan War Games in May, 2020? No
Signed the 2019 Sherman-Cox Letter to Continue US Aid for Artsakh De-Mining? No
Signed Letters Supporting Pro-Armenian Foreign Aid Priorities in 2019/2020? No
Signed the 2020 Titus Letter urging the Library of Congress to properly categorize the Armenian Genocide? No
Signed the 2019 Armenian Genocide Letter to the President? No
Signed the 2020 Crenshaw Letter to Block Erdogan’s Visit to DC? No
Issued a 2020 Statement Calling for Artsakh Recognition? No
Issued a 2020 Statement Condemning Azerbaijan/Turkey Attacks on Armenia/Artsakh? False Parity
Issued an April 24th Statement Marking the Armenian Genocide in 2019/2020? No
Commemorated the Sumgait-Baku-Kirovabad Pogroms in 2019/2020? No
Offered Remarks in 2019/2020 making false Khojaly accusations? Yes
Traveled to Armenia and/or Artsakh in 2019/2020? No
Member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues? No

07/16/20 - Rep. Hastings posted the following to Facebook: "We are in trouble when petty parochialism denies us vital leadership in the midst of a global crisis. Now more than ever, reliable multilateral institutions are needed to forge solutions during and after the current pandemic.

Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkey, and other OSCE participating States who have blocked consensus on extending dedicated public servants should be ashamed of themselves. History will show the folly of abandoning essential leadership for cooperation." View the Facebook post here.

05/11/20 - Rep. Hastings tweeted "@SenatorWicker and my statement on the Government of Azerbaijan’s mounting harassment of Azerbaijani opposition members, activists, and journalists—" View the tweet here.

05/11/20 - Rep. Hastings posted the following to Facebook: "During this pandemic, public health precautions do not excuse politically-motivated repression. We are deeply troubled by reports that the Government of Azerbaijan is further squeezing its people’s access to free expression, media, and information through arrests, fines, harassment, and possibly torture. Authorities should cease exploiting this global crisis to limit the speech of members of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan and other activists and reporters." View the Facebook post here.

05/02/20 - Rep. Hastings tweeted "I want to say thank you to #Turkey for the #COVID-19 medical supplies which arrived this week, courtesy of the Turkish people. We’re all in this together and appreciate this kind gesture." View the tweet here.

05/02/20 - Rep. Hastings posted the following to Facebook: "I want to say thank you to Turkey for the COVID-19 medical supplies which arrived this week, courtesy of the Turkish people. We’re all in this together and appreciate this kind gesture." View the Facebook post here.

05/01/20 - Rep. Hastings posted the following to Facebook: "Given these uncertain and unprecedented times, it is more important than ever that journalists and media professionals are able to work freely and without retribution. Unfortunately, journalists remain in jail throughout the OSCE region, while states like Russia, Azerbaijan, and Hungary criminalize providing essential information and transparency about the COVID-19 pandemic. Independent media continues to be assaulted under the pretense of punishing allegedly 'false,' 'misleading,' or unofficial information. This is unacceptable." View the Facebook post here.

10/28/19 - Rep. Hastings posted the following to Facebook: "I commend our outstanding military service-members and the intelligence community on their success in working with our regional allies to complete this operation with bravery and professionalism.

While the death of al-Baghdadi represents a blow to ISIS, there is no doubt that ISIS is still a threat. President Trump’s recent decisions, including abandoning our allies and green-lighting Turkey’s aggression in Northern Syria, have strengthened the positions of many of our enemies, including ISIS. The President’s actions resulted in the escape of potentially hundreds of ISIS prisoners in the region, bolstering the organization’s ability to re-group and retaliate.

Congressional Leadership must be fully briefed and included in the formulation of an effective and strategic plan to defeat ISIS and the threat it poses to America and our allies." View the Facebook post here.

10/23/19 - Rep. Hastings posted the following to Facebook: "President Trump made a disastrous decision in Northern Syria that shredded America’s credibility and directly led to the displacement of more than 176,000 people. It is both outrageous and reprehensible that he is now rewarding Turkey’s incursion against our Kurdish allies by easing sanctions and giving the Turkish government everything it wants. The President’s reckless and shortsighted policy in Syria has created a foothold for Russia and advanced the interests of many of our adversaries, creating a power vacuum that will be filled by Russia, Turkey, the Assad regime, Iran, and the Islamic State. The House of Representatives must do everything in its power to support our allies and act in the best interest of our national security." View the Facebook post here.
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