Abril Bookstore To Present Summertime Literary Evenings Dedicated To Children And Youth

Glendale–Abril Bookstore dedicates July to children and youth by presenting three Sunday evenings celebrating Armenian authors who write in Armenian or in English. Presentations will take place at Abril Bookstore at 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free.
On Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 4:00pm, author Aline Bezdikian-Shirajian will present her newly released children’s book in Armenian, Լորիի եւ Նարեկի Անմոռուկը (Lory and Nareg’s Forget-Me-Not). At 5:00pm, author and artist Rosemary Hartounian Cohen will present her children’s fairy tale, Anoush: The Daugher of King Shen: This will include an art workshop, “Learn How to Paint on Silk Circles” for children ages 3 to 99.
On Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 4:00pm, New York based author, who is the granddaughter of survivors of the Armenian Genocide, Dana Walrath will present her newly released book geared to youth and young adults, Like Water on Stone. This will follow at 5:00pm with a celebration of author Fira Akyan’s children’s fairy tales in Armenian, which will come to life through song, art, dance and readings by children, puppets, and the author.
On Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 4:00pm, author and artist Jennifer Salmassian will present her children’s book written in Armenian and in English, Լուսինէն երկնքին մեջ (Lucineh in the Sky). At 5:00pm, young adult author Varak Kalousdian will present the first volume of his exciting new series written in English, The Legend of V: Book 1: The Solar System’s Prophecies.

Source: Daily
Link: Abril Bookstore To Present Summertime Literary Evenings Dedicated To Children And Youth

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