Another Artsakh Soldier Killed by Azerbaijani Fire

Another Artsakh solder was killed

Another Artsakh solder was killed

STEPANAKERT—Another soldier of the Artsakh Armed Forces was killed Thursday in the northeastern front of the Artsakh-Azerbaijan border after Azerbaijani forces, once again, violated the cease fire, days after the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents met in Geneva and pledged to decrease tensions along what is known as the Line of Contact.

Tigran Khachatryan, born in 1998, died after he was shot by Azerbaijani gun fire at around 3:50 p.m. local time, reported the Artsakh Army press service.

The presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Serzh Sarkisian and Ilham Aliyev, met Monday at the residence of the Swiss permanent representative to the United Nations to discuss next steps in the ongoing negotiations to resolve the Karabakh conflict, with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen mediating the discussion.

During the meeting mediated by the co-chairs, the presidents agreed to take steps to intensify the negotiations and take additional steps to reduce tensions along the Armenia, Artsakh and Azerbaijan borders, commonly referred to as the Line of Contact.

“The meeting took place in a constructive atmosphere,” read a joint statement issued following the meeting by the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan and the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen.

“The Presidents agreed to take measures to intensify the negotiation process and to take additional steps to reduce tensions on the Line of Contact,” added the statement.

Source: Asbarez
Link: Another Artsakh Soldier Killed by Azerbaijani Fire

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