Armenia’s Angels in the Uniting Church of Australia

By Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian

Members of the Australian Armenian Community, civic and religious leaders all came together at St. Stephen’s Uniting Church in Sydney on Sept. 13, to pay tribute to the Australian humanitarians who provided vital support to survivors of the Armenian Genocide.  The event was both a book launch and an emotional acknowledgement of the lifesaving work of the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) predecessor church members.

Rev. James Cresswell, Miss Gordon, Hilda King and John Knudsen and some 1700 Armenian orphans at the Armenian Australian Orphanage in Antelias, Lebanon-‘flying the Australian flag’ 1923. Currently Holy Site of Cilicia Catholicosate.

In a profoundly moving ceremony, descendants of the Australians who supported the Australian-run Armenian Orphanage set up in Lebanon in 1923 were called up on stage and thanked by the descendants of the people their ancestors helped save.

The ceremony, which included presentations of framed photos to the Australian descendants, was preceded by a slideshow by Vicken Babkenian, the co-author of Armenia, Australia and the Great Warexplaining the Armenian Genocide and the personal stories of those involved.

The links between St. Stephen’s and humanitarian assistance to Armenians run deep. The Church’s Ferguson Hall is named after Rev. John Ferguson who established the Armenian Relief Fund in 1915. His great granddaughter and Church Council member Margaret Warden was among one of those who were honored.

The event flowed out of last year’s Resolution by the 14th Assembly of UCA to officially acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. UCA President Stuart McMillan used the occasion to call again on the Federal Government to recognize the Armenian Genocide. “Both the New South Wales (NSW) and South Australian Parliaments have recognized the Armenian Genocide, so it’s time for the Federal Government to do likewise,” said McMillan. “I call on you to join many other Parliaments of the world in recognizing, remembering and opposing all inhumane treatment of sisters and brothers in Christ.”

Nora Grigorian, granddaughter of Mihran Terzian (one of the orphans at the Australasian Orphanage) paying tribute to Rev. John Ferguson by presenting a gift to Margaret Warden, great grand-daughter of Rev. Ferguson. Rev. Ferguson at the time the minister of St. Stephens Presbyterian Church Currently Uniting. The hall where the event is held is named after him.

NSW/Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Synod General Secretary Rev. Dr. Andrew Williams in his closing remarks suggested to rewrite the history in our textbooks to reflect the true story of the Armenian people. “The time is long overdue for people of goodwill to speak up and say that beyond any reasonable doubt, genocide as defined by international law describes the process which one million Armenians lost their lives from 1915,” he said.

After the event, Rev. Dr. Williams made an amazing discovery of his own. When he started to read about Rev. James Creswell’s journey through the Middle East, it dawned on him that Rev. Cresswell was in fact his great uncle.

The evening was closed by special prayer and the final benediction offered by the Rev. Dr Krikor Youmshajekian, President of the Armenian Missionary Association of Australia and pastor of Longueville St. Andrew’s Uniting Church who was also liaising person between the organizing team and the Uniting Church.

The event was broadcast live and can now be watched in full: Tribute to Australian Humanitarians.

Armenia, Australia and the Great War by Vicken Babkenian and Peter Stanley is available for purchase at $34.99 from good booksellers.


Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian is the President of the Armenian Missionary Association of Australia

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Armenia’s Angels in the Uniting Church of Australia

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