The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2012 Grade
Cosponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H. Res. 304? NO
Cosponsor of the Return of Churches and Religious Freedom Resolution, H. Res. 306? NO
Voted for the Berman-Cicilline Amendment in the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on July 20, 2011? N/A
Voted for the Indian Tribal Trade and Investment Demonstration Project Act, H. R. 2362, in the House Committee on Natural Resources on November 13, 2011? (The ANCA opposed this measure). N/A
Voted for the Indian Tribal Trade and Investment Demonstration Project Act, H. R. 2362, in the House of Representatives on July 23, 2012? (The ANCA opposed this measure). NO
Issued a statement in 2012 regarding the release and pardon of Ramil Safarov? NO
Signed the May 2011 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the March 2012 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the February 2012 letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding the Armenian Genocide? NO
Offered remarks in 2011 in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2012 in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in the House of Representatives? NO
Participated in the September 2011 Nagorno Karabakh 20th Anniversary of Independence event on Capitol Hill? NO
Participated in the October 2011 Armenia 20th Anniversary of Independence event on Capitol Hill? NO
Participated in the April 2011 Capitol Hill Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide? YES
Participated in the April 2012 Capitol Hill Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide? YES
Offered remarks in 2011 or 2012 in remembrance of the pogroms in Sumgait, Baku, and Kirovabad in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2011 or 2012 regarding Khojalu in the House of Representatives? NO
Member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues? YES

06/27/12 - Remarks submitted for the Congressional Record on Azerbaijan - Mr. Speaker, I rise to draw my colleagues' attention to the tiny nation of Azerbaijan , which is a giant in world affairs.

Situated between Iran and Russia, Azerbaijan stands as a friend of the United States and that friendship frequently concerns nearby nations.

Part of what makes Azerbaijan a remarkable ally for the United States is that some 20 million Iranians are of Azeri descent, a large part of northern Iran is frequently referred to as ``southern Azerbaijan'' as a reminder that the territory was - for centuries - part of Azerbaijan .

The development of Azeri oil and gas in the Caspian Sea, along with the major Azeri export pipelines that pump energy to Western markets, makes the region all the more strategic as a U.S. ally.

But it is their geographical location to Afghanistan that makes them absolutely an essential ally for the U.S. Azerbaijan provides a crucial transit route to supply our troops in Afghanistan. With the expected closing of Manas air base in 2014, this route will be even more essential to our troops. They are a Muslim nation that is our friend, and our ally in the world.

This Muslim nation is the example for a secular society of religious diversity. A majority Muslim nation with a significant population of Jews, Azerbaijan is an ally of Israel. Just this month, on the anniversary of Pope John Paul II's visit to Azerbaijan , the Vatican's Cardinal Fernando Filoni spoke at the Catholic Church of Baku, reminding us that ``An atmosphere of exemplary tolerance exists in Azerbaijan .''

Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me today in recognizing the importance of Azerbaijan --both to the United States and to the world.

02/18/11 - Remarks submitted for the Congressional Record on Khojaly - Mr. Speaker, today I wish to recognize the estimated 1,000 civilians who on February 26, 1992 were indiscriminately scalped, tortured, and killed in the town of Khojaly, an Azerbaijani-populated town in Nagorno-Karabakh. Many of us know that post-Soviet conflicts in Eastern Europe and Central Asia led to brutal ethnic cleansing, but few have heard of the people of Khojaly, who were massacred by Armenian militants. The ethnic cleansing was successful, and the town no longer exists. Although the tragedy received widespread media coverage, since then it has largely been forgotten. I hope that now and every year after this atrocity, we can pray for the victims.

Azerbaijan's Muslim, Christian, and Jewish communities come together against ethnic cleansing at this time of the year, commemorating the lives of the Khojaly victims and calling on the international community to condemn the bloodshed. Their pleas do not fall on deaf ears.

There are still victims of the conflict in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Hundreds of thousands of people are displaced, and ethnic cleansing has continued even after 1992.

I have met victims of the Rwandan genocide, who are still healing to this day. I went to Bosnia shortly after the war and saw the effect of ethnic cleansing there. I know what a detrimental effect this can have to a region, in this case even wiping a small town off the map. I recognize that even now, atrocities are occurring in Kashmir and Darfur, and innocent civilians are paying the price while we in the international community have more to do.

Mr. Speaker, I hope that Azerbaijan and Armenia can come to a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, and I hope that the civilians suffering right now will soon see an end to ethnic cleansing. The memories of the women, men, and children of Khojaly should propel us to condemn such practices.
02-08-11 - Patton Boggs LLP met with Nafees Syed from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Azerbaijan regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral relations

05-17-11 - Patton Boggs LLP met with Nafees Syed from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Azerbaijan regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral relations

07-08-11 - Christine Rake from Caspian Group LLC met with Murat Gokcigdem from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Turkey regarding U.S.-Turkish Relations

07-12-11 - Christine Rake from Caspian Group LLC called Murat Gokcigdem from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Turkey regarding U.S.-Turkish Relations

07-14-11 - Patton Boggs LLP met with Jamie Jackson from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Azerbaijan regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral relations

07-14-11 - Patton Boggs LLP met with Jamie Lee Jackson from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Azerbaijan regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral relations

07-20-11 - Christine Rake from Caspian Group LLC called Murat Gokcigdem from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Turkey regarding U.S.-Turkish Relations

09-16-11 - Patton Boggs LLP contacted Jamie Jackson from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Azerbaijan regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral relations

11-30-11 - Albert Wynn from Dickstein Shapiro LLP e-mailed Murat Gokcigdem from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Turkey regarding the Jazz Series Event

12-16-11 - Albert Wynn from Dickstein Shapiro LLP e-mailed Murat Gokcigdem from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Turkey regarding H. Res. 306

02-02-12 - Albert Wynn from Dickstein Shapiro LLP contacted Murat Gokcigdem from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Turkey regarding Jazz Event at the Turkish Embassy

02-17-12 - Khayal Sharif-zadeh from Azerbaijan America Alliance Corporation contacted Jamie Lee Jackson from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Azerbaijan regarding Introduction to the Alliance

06-18-12 - Khayal Sharif-zadeh from Azerbaijan America Alliance Corporation contacted Jamie Lee Jackson from Representative Johnson's office on behalf of the government of Azerbaijan regarding Update on the Alliance's Progress
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