The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2014 Grade
Cosponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H. Res. 227? NO
Cosponsor of the Turkey Christian Churches Accountability Act, H.R. 4347? NO
Spoke During the House Foreign Affairs Committee Consideration of the Turkey Christian Churches Accountability Act, H.R. 4347?
Signed the May 2013 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the May 2014 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the November 2013 letter to President Obama urging the public display of the Armenian Genocide Orphan Rug? NO
Offered remarks in 2013 in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2014 in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in the House of Representatives? NO
Participated in the April 2013 Capitol Hill Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide? NO
Participated in the April 2014 Capitol Hill Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide? NO
Participated in the March 2013 Capitol Hill Event Marking the 25th anniversary of the start of the Nagorno Karabakh Freedom Movement? NO
Participated in the December 2013 Capitol Hill Event Marking the 22nd anniversary Nagorno Karabakh Republic Independence? NO
Condemned the brutal invasion and occupation of the Armenian-populated town of Kessab and surrounding villages in northwestern Syria? NO
Offered remarks in 2013 in remembrance of the pogroms in Sumgait, Baku, and Kirovabad in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2014 in remembrance of the pogroms in Sumgait, Baku, and Kirovabad in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2013 regarding Khojaly in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2014 regarding Khojaly in the House of Representatives? NO
Attended and offered remarks at the inaugural In Defense of Christians Summit in 2014? NO
Consponsored the Southern Gas Corridor Bill, H.Res.284(a pro-Azerbaijan and Turkey measure)? NO
Cosponsored the Turkey Internet Freedom and Free Speech bill, H.Res.532? NO
Member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues? NO

02/27/14 - Statement submitted for the Congressional Record on Khojaly - Mr. Speaker, I rise to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy which took place on February 25-26, 1992, when the town of Khojaly in the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was attacked by Armenian forces. Khojaly, which was home to 7,000 people, was completely destroyed; a total of 613 people were killed.

As the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict still remains unresolved, the U.S. must increase its efforts to facilitate the resolution to the conflict in accordance with international law. Congress must also recognize that the current status-quo is dangerous and a solution to the conflict is necessary to allow hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijani IDPs to return to their homes. There is no doubt that a settlement of this protracted conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan would let this region realize its huge potential and become prosperous.

Mr. Speaker, as Azerbaijan, a tested and proven strategic partner of the United States, commemorates the 22nd anniversary of the Khojaly massacre this year, I call on my colleagues in Congress to speak up on this tragedy and stand with the Azerbaijani people.
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