The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2014 Grade
Cosponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H. Res. 227? NO
Cosponsor of the Turkey Christian Churches Accountability Act, H.R. 4347? NO
Spoke During the House Foreign Affairs Committee Consideration of the Turkey Christian Churches Accountability Act, H.R. 4347?
Signed the May 2013 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the May 2014 letter supporting pro-Armenian foreign aid issues? NO
Signed the November 2013 letter to President Obama urging the public display of the Armenian Genocide Orphan Rug? NO
Offered remarks in 2013 in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2014 in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in the House of Representatives? NO
Participated in the April 2013 Capitol Hill Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide? NO
Participated in the April 2014 Capitol Hill Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide? NO
Participated in the March 2013 Capitol Hill Event Marking the 25th anniversary of the start of the Nagorno Karabakh Freedom Movement? NO
Participated in the December 2013 Capitol Hill Event Marking the 22nd anniversary Nagorno Karabakh Republic Independence? NO
Condemned the brutal invasion and occupation of the Armenian-populated town of Kessab and surrounding villages in northwestern Syria? NO
Offered remarks in 2013 in remembrance of the pogroms in Sumgait, Baku, and Kirovabad in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2014 in remembrance of the pogroms in Sumgait, Baku, and Kirovabad in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2013 regarding Khojaly in the House of Representatives? NO
Offered remarks in 2014 regarding Khojaly in the House of Representatives? NO
Attended and offered remarks at the inaugural In Defense of Christians Summit in 2014? NO
Consponsored the Southern Gas Corridor Bill, H.Res.284(a pro-Azerbaijan and Turkey measure)? NO
Cosponsored the Turkey Internet Freedom and Free Speech bill, H.Res.532? YES
Member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues? NO

09/18/13 - Remarks submitted for the Congressional Record - Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the people of Armenia , Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. These six countries are members of the European Union's Eastern Partnership, an initiative that aims to promote democratic values, rule of law, and economic opportunity in Eastern Europe.

Participation in the Eastern Partnership is strictly voluntary, in line with the long-standing international principle that sovereign states have the right to make their own decisions and choose their own alliances.

Each of these six countries, to one degree or another, has made clear their interest in closer relations with the European Union and has chosen--again voluntarily--to participate in the Eastern Partnership.

Three of the Eastern Partnership countries--Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine--are poised to make historic strides in their relations with the European Union by initialing or signing Association Agreements at this November's Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. These Association Agreements, which include deep and comprehensive free trade provisions, will accelerate the process of political reform in each country and create conditions for extraordinary economic growth.

These Association Agreements pose no threat to other countries. Indeed, I believe that the greater geographic neighborhood and peoples of the Eastern Partnership countries would benefit from these countries' integration into the European economy. For this reason, I cannot understand nor do I condone threats of trade embargoes, energy price hikes, gas supply cutoffs, and other forms of intimidation that might dissuade Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine from a path they have voluntarily chosen.

Mr. Speaker, I call on any government engaged in such coercive practices to respect each country's right under international law to define and conduct its own relations.

I call on the Administration to stand with the people of Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine at this important moment in Europe's history.
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