The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2016 Grade
Cosponsored the Armenian Genocide Truth + Justice Resolution (H. Res. 154)? No
Cosponsored Legislation Condemning the Genocide Against Christians and Other Minorities in the Middle East (H.Con.Res.75)? No
Cosponsored the Azerbaijan Democracy Act (H.R.4264)? No
Signed the October, 2015 Royce-Engel Letter Offering Common-Sense Solutions to Stop Azerbaijani Aggression Against Artsakh and Armenia? Yes
Signed the March, 2016 Royce-Sherman Letter Calling for Implementation of the Royce-Engel Proposals to End Azerbaijani Aggression? No
Signed the April, 2015 Armenian Genocide Centennial Letter to President Obama? No
Signed the March 2015 / 2016 Letters Supporting Pro-Armenian Foreign Aid Priorities? No
Participated in the April 2015 / 2016 Capitol Hill Commemorations of the Armenian Genocide? No
Participated in the December 2015 Capitol Hill Event Marking the 24th Anniversary of Nagorno Karabakh Republic Independence? No
Offered Remarks in 2015 / 2016 in Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in the House of Representatives? No
Offered Remarks in 2015 / 2016 in Remembrance of the Pogroms in Sumgait, Baku, and Kirovabad in the House of Representatives? No
Offered Remarks in 2015 / 2016 Regarding Khojaly in the House of Representatives? Yes
Member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues? No

01/26/15 - Statement submitted for the Congressional Record on Black January - Mr. Speaker, one of the seminal events in 20th century was the demise of the Soviet Union, which altered the balance of power in the world, most profoundly in Europe and Central Asia. But the event that sparked the tinderbox of democratic uprisings through the sphere of Soviet satellites began in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan .

Azerbaijanis remember the night that democratic fire was sparked; it was January 20, 1990. The Azeris called it ``Black January.'' At midnight on that fateful night, 26,000 armed Russian troops stormed into Baku with tanks.

The weeks and months prior to Black January had seen a surge in the national independence movement. Hundreds of thousands of Azeris pushed then USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev's glasnost policy by publicly marching for independence and territorial integrity.

Some of the emerging democratic groups were projected to win seats in the upcoming Parliamentary elections. Since only Communists could hold government office in a Soviet satellite, Gorbachev moved quickly to put down the independence movement.

Gorbachev declared a state of emergency to repress a growing independence movement. The Soviet heavyhandedness served only to elevate Azeri resolve and passion. Soviet troops, under orders to ``restore order,'' tried dispersing the throngs of peaceful Azeri demonstrators by firing arbitrarily into the crowds on the Baku streets, killing women and children who were among the protesters calling for independence from the Soviet Union.

Over 130 Azeris were killed in the violence of Black January; 611 were injured, nearly 1,000 were arrested, and five were never found.

Human Rights Watch's report ``Black January in Azerbaijan ,'' said that, ``among the most heinous violations of human rights during the Baku incursion were the numerous attacks on medical personnel, ambulances and even hospitals.'' Human Rights Watch concluded, ``The punishment inflicted on Baku by Soviet soldiers may have been intended as a warning to nationalists, not only in Azerbaijan , but in other Republics of the Soviet Union.''

The standoff between nationalists in Azerbaijan and the Soviet leaders in Moscow escalated into an Azeri threat to hold a referendum on secession unless Soviet troops withdrew in 48 hours. Soviet troops were hampered when Azerbaijani oil tankers blockaded the Baku harbor, keeping Soviet naval vessels at bay.

Soviet forces withdrew, but formal independence would come nearly two years later.

On this day, Azeri patriots stood up for their freedom, sealing the fate of the Soviet empire and forever changing the history of the world.

I ask my colleagues to join me in standing with the people of Azerbaijan today in solitude and gratitude for their passion for independence and remembrance of the lives lost on Black January.
04/21/2016 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madejeine Bordallo regarding US-Azerbaijan relations

04/20/2016 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azerbaijan relations

04/19/2016 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azerbaijan relations

12/02/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

12/02/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

11/24/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann I from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

11/24/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann I from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

10/22/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group met with Madeleine Bordallo, Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

10/22/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group met with Madeleine Bordallo, Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

10/19/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann, Roseane Merio, Howard Panaellnan from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

10/19/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann, Roseane Merio, Howard Panaellnan from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

10/18/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed , Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeielne Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

10/18/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azeri relations

04/07/2015 - Michael Messmer of Gephardt Group Government Affairs LLP e-mailed Rosanne Meno from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding 4/14 Turkish Embassy and Vital Voices Event , "Together Through Time: Turkey's Voice for Women"

03/17/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azerbaijan relations

03/17/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azerbaijan relations

02/23/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azerbaijan relations

02/23/2015 - Lobbyists from the Podesta Group e-mailed Matthew Herrmann from the office of Madeleine Bordallo regarding US-Azerbaijan relations
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