Jan 1, 2019

Ann McLane Kuster 16768 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. Ann McLan

Jan 1, 2019

Donald Payne 16769 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. Donald Pa

Jan 1, 2019

Dina Titus 16771 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. Dina Titu

Jan 1, 2019

Grace Meng 16772 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. Grace Men

Jan 1, 2019

Hakeem Jeffries 16773 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. Hakeem Je

Jan 1, 2019

Sean Patrick Maloney 16774 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. Sean Patr

Jan 1, 2019

Chris Jacobs 581671 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. Chris Jac

Jan 1, 2019

Brad Wenstrup 16777 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. Brad Wens

Jan 1, 2019

Joyce Beatty 16778 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. Joyce Bea

Jan 1, 2019

David Joyce 16779 116
Check out the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Report Card for Rep. David Joy

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