Karen Karapetyan Appointed Prime Minister

YEREVAN (A.W.)—Armenian President Serge Sarkisian formally appointed Karen Karapetyan as Armenia’s prime minister on Sept. 13. Karapetyan’s appointment came five days after Armenia’s Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan officially submitted his resignation at a government session on Sept. 8.

Karen Karapetyan (Photo: Civilnet)

The 53-year-old Karapetyan is the former head of the national gas distributing company ArmRosGazprom and served as Yerevan’s mayor from Dec. 2010 to Nov. 2011.

Though all of the members of Abrahamyan’s cabinet formally resigned following his departure, they will continue to perform their duties until Karapetyan forms a new government in the coming weeks.

RFE/RL’s Armenian service Azatutyun.am reported on Sept. 13 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian would not return to his post in Karapetyan’s new cabinet and that Vigen Sargsyan, President Sarkisian’s chief of staff may replace Nalbandian.

According to the report, Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan is also among those cabinet members that will not be returning to their posts. The Interfax news agency reported Ohanyan will likely become the secretary general of the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization, though an Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman refused to confirm or deny that.


Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Karen Karapetyan Appointed Prime Minister

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