Philadelphia Hamazkayin Toasts to Yerevan

Philadelphia Hamazkayin celebrated the Yerevan nightlife and the renaissance of Armenian wine during its second annual Yerewine Nights. It happened last month at the Seroonian Community Center.

For one night, the local terrace was transformed into a cozy cafe with string lights, fire pits, nardi sets, and cozy blankets for wine enthusiasts. Guests enjoyed a tasting pour of Karas wine to the tunes of Armenian folk fusion music.

This year’s featured wines were ArmAs Karmrahyut, Rosé, and Voskehat, Van Ardi Red and Rosé, and Zorah Karasí and Voski.

The three-course meal was complete with traditional Armenian coffee and a dessert plate with halva and apricot cake made with homemade Armenian apricot jam.

Throughout the evening, guests shopped for a variety of goods from Armenia at our very own Vernissage (outdoor market).

The Philadelphia Hamazkayin will be planning for its third annual event for September 2019. For more information or to browse pictures of this year’s event, visit @HamazkayinPhilly on Facebook.

The post Philadelphia Hamazkayin Toasts to Yerevan appeared first on The Armenian Weekly.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Philadelphia Hamazkayin Toasts to Yerevan

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