Three Karabakh Servicemen Killed as Karabakh Forces Repel Azeri Attack

Artsakh Defense Army soldiers near the border (Source: Public Radio of Armenia)

Artsakh Defense Army soldiers near the border (Source: Public Radio of Armenia)

STEPANAKERT (Combined Sources)—Three Karabakh servicemen were killed in the morning of December 18, according to the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Ministry of Defense. Two Privates of Karabakh’s Defense Army Aghasi Grigoryan,19, and Ruben Aleksanyan,19,  were killed in a clash with Azeri forces and a third contract serviceman Gor Ohanyan,23, was fatally wounded under unknown circumstances at the military units located in the northern direction of the Defense Army.

Azerbaijani Special Forces launched two attacks in the northeastern and northern direction of the line of contact last night.

The front troops of the Artsakh Defense Army were quick to spot the advancement of the rival and force it to retreat, incurring losses.

According to the Karabakh Defense Ministry, the Azerbaijani side suffered at least 3 losses and injuries in the direction of Talish. The Azerbaijani armed forces also suffered losses in the southern direction, leaving two dead and a number injured.

The Azerbaijanis used armored vehicles (tanks) in north-eastern direction.

Artsakh’s Defense Army front units were well prepared to handle and deter the Azerbaijani forces as they continue to violate the ceasefire.

In addition, on the morning of December 18, two Armenian villagers were wounded in a mine blast in the bordering village of Voskepar in the Tavush region. These two are reported to be in a critical condition.

Both are currently unconscious and are hospitalized in the towns of Ijevan and Noyemberyan. Their condition is estimated as critical but stable, Narek Vanesyan, the head of the Regional Administration’s Department for Social Affairs and Healthcare, told our correspondent.

The survivors are residents of Baghanis, another border village in the north-eastern region.

Artavazd Karapetyan, who is hospitalized in Ijevan, has undergone an incomplete amputation of left leg and left arm, Vanesyan said, adding that the other survivor, Arshak Sahakyan, had an incomplete amputation of right leg at the medical center of Noyemberyan.

But our sources refrained from any comments on possible threats to life. “Both lost a leg and a great quantity of blood, and one is now without hand. People have donated blood so that doctors could perform transfusion. So I can’t say anything at the moment; I only know that Karapetyan’s condition was so critical that two medical support teams worked at the Ijevan Medical Center. ”

Source: Asbarez
Link: Three Karabakh Servicemen Killed as Karabakh Forces Repel Azeri Attack

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