Vardanyan Says Concessions in Artsakh Peace Talks are ‘Unaccepable’


YEREVAN (A.W.)— In his address to residents of Geghamavan of Gegharkunik province on March 9, Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Supreme Body Member and Election Campaign Manager Aghvan Vardanyan said that concessions on Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh) peace talks are “unacceptable.”

Aghvan Vardanyan (Photo: Photolure)

Vardanyan noted that if Armenia followed the proposed options by the Armenian National Congress (ANC) and People’s Party of Armenia (PPA) alliance, Armenia would have incurred more losses in the war in Artsakh.

“If we make concessions, the war will resume and we will experience great losses. The enemy will reach Zangezur and Vardenis,” said Vardanyan, as he discussed how certain parties tend to appeal to people’s emotions and refer to the death of children when they call for peace and friendship.

The ANC-PPA alliance has launched their campaign with calls for peace and good neighborly relations through concessions and negotiations with Azerbaijan.

In a response to this call, Vardanyan claimed that President Aliyev is someone that cannot be negotiated with.

Vardanyan reminded those in attendance that the ARF is the only party that has representation in 30 countries worldwide. He also stated that the views of the ARF remain unchanged even though they have sided with both the opposition and the ruling government.

“The ARF is not a single person party like many other parties,” said Vardanyan. “If the leader of those single person parties withdraws from politics, nothing will remain of the party.”

Up to 70% of Geghamavan residents percent of the population voted in support of the ARF candidate during the mayoral elections. Vardanyan called on residents to support ARF candidate Ishkhan Saghatelyan in the upcoming Parliamentary elections.


Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Vardanyan Says Concessions in Artsakh Peace Talks are ‘Unaccepable’

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