Letter to U.S. Representatives:
Dear Representative:
This April, please support three key initiatives which would clearly define U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide, strengthen U.S.-Armenia ties, and stop Azerbaijan’s torture of Armenian POWs and civilian captives. Specifically, I urge you to:
1) Armenian Genocide: Cosign the Congressional Armenian Caucus letter to President Biden urging him to join the U.S. Congress and 49 U.S. states in fully and formally recognizing the Armenian Genocide. For more information or to cosign the letter, please contact Jeff Lowenstein in Rep. Adam Schiff’s office.
2) Armenia/Artsakh Aid: Cosign the Congressional Armenian Caucus letter calling for over $100 million in U.S. aid to Armenia and Nagorno Karbakah (Artsakh) following Turkey and Azerbaijan’s devastating attacks last year. To cosign the letter, please contact James Johnson in Rep. Frank Pallone’s office.
3) Free Armenian POWs: Cosponsor H.Res.240, calling on Azerbaijan to immediately release over 200 Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians, held some 150 days after the November 9th ceasefire. To cosponsor this bipartisan legislation, please contact Jeff Lowenstein in Rep. Adam Schiff’s office.
As the world prepares to mark the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24th – less than six months after Turkey and Azerbaijan attempted a second genocide against the Armenian people – principled leadership on each of these issue will send a strong message to President Erdogan and President Aliyev that the U.S. will stand strong against warmongering and support concrete steps to support a lasting peace in the region based on justice.
Each of these issues are of vital concern my family and friends throughout our Congressional district. For more information on each of these initiatives, please do not hesitate to contact Tereza Yerimyan of the Armenian National Committee of America at legislative@anca.org
Letter to Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs:
Dear Representative:
This April, thank you for your leadership on three key initiatives which would clearly define U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide, strengthen U.S.-Armenia ties, and stop Azerbaijan’s torture of Armenian POWs and civilian captives. Specifically, my family and I appreciate your efforts to:
1) Armenian Genocide: Secure broad bi-partisan support for the Congressional Armenian Caucus letter to President Biden urging him to join the U.S. Congress and 49 U.S. states in fully and formally recognizing the Armenian Genocide.
2) Armenia/Artsakh Aid: Encourage your colleagues to cosign the Congressional Armenian Caucus letter calling for over $100 million in U.S. aid to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) following Turkey and Azerbaijan’s devastating attacks last year. To cosign the letter, please contact James Johnson in Rep. Frank Pallone’s office.
3) Free Armenian POWs: Increase the number of cosponsors on H.Res.240, calling on Azerbaijan to immediately release over 200 Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians, held some 150 days after the November 9th ceasefire. To cosponsor this bipartisan legislation, please contact Jeff Lowenstein in Rep. Adam Schiff’s office.
As the world prepares to mark the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24th – less than six months after Turkey and Azerbaijan attempted a second genocide against the Armenian people – principled leadership on each of these issues sends a strong message to President Erdogan and President Aliyev that the U.S. will stand strong against warmongering and support concrete steps to support a lasting peace in the region based on justice.
Each of these issues is of vital concern to my family and friends throughout our Congressional district. You can be assured that I will be sharing your leadership on these issues widely all those interested.