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ANCA Rapid Responder Letter: Cosign the Armenian Caucus Letter to the Biden Administration

Letter to U.S. Representatives Urging the to Co-Sign the letter to the Biden Administration:

Dear Representative:

I am writing to ask you to co-sign a letter circulated by the bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues – encouraging the Biden Administration to support Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) and Armenia.

This letter – addressed to the Secretaries of State and Defense – underscores the severity of the crisis caused by unprovoked Azerbaijani and Turkish aggression, and addressed a series of U.S. policy priorities to advance U.S. interests in the region:

— U.S. emergency assistance that provides the people of Artsakh with the ability to reconstruct their communities and rebuild their lives without fear of further bloodshed.

— U.S. re-engagement in the search for an enduring regional settlement – based on the fundamental right of self-determination – that protects the security of Artsakh and helps to ensure another war does not break out.

— U.S. recognition of the right to self-determination for the people of Artsakh and their role as a legitimate negotiating party in resolving this conflict.

— U.S. leadership in securing the immediate release of Armenian prisoners

— U.S. accountability, including sanctions against high-ranking Azerbaijani and Turkish leaders, the withholding of U.S. aid to Baku, and ending the waiver of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act.

— U.S. support for Armenia’s economic development and assistance to Armenians displaced by Azerbaijani aggression

— U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide by President Biden

Thank you for your consideration of my request. To support this initiative, please contact Congressman Frank Pallone’s office, the founding Co-Chair of the Armenian Caucus. If you would like additional information about Armenia, Artsakh, or related issues, please reach out to the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) at legislative@anca.org.


Letter Thanking U.S. Representatives for Co-Signing the Congressional Armenian Caucus Letter:

Dear Representative:

I am writing to thank you for co-signing the letter – being circulated by the bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues – encouraging the Biden Administration to support Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) and Armenia.

This letter – addressed to the Secretaries of State and Defense – underscores the severity of the crisis caused by unprovoked Azerbaijani and Turkish aggression, and addressed a series of U.S. policy priorities to advance U.S. interests in the region:

— U.S. emergency assistance that provides the people of Artsakh with the ability to reconstruct their communities and rebuild their lives without fear of further bloodshed.

— U.S. re-engagement in the search for an enduring regional settlement – based on the fundamental right of self-determination – that protects the security of Artsakh and helps to ensure another war does not break out.

— U.S. recognition of the right to self-determination for the people of Artsakh and their role as a legitimate negotiating party in resolving this conflict.

— U.S. leadership in securing the immediate release of Armenian prisoners

— U.S. accountability, including sanctions against high-ranking Azerbaijani and Turkish leaders, the withholding of U.S. aid to Baku, and ending the waiver of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act.

— U.S. support for Armenia’s economic development and assistance to Armenians displaced by Azerbaijani aggression

— U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide by President Biden

I look forward to sharing news of your support for this letter with friends and family.


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