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ANCA Rapid Responder Letter: Demand Robust U.S. Aid to Artsakh / Armenia; Zero-Out Military Aid to Azerbaijan

Letter to Members of the U.S. House Committee on Appropriations:

Dear Representative:

As a strong supporter of Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), I am writing to ask you to support the following provisions in the Fiscal Year 2022 Foreign Aid Bill, to be considered by the Appropriations Committee on the week of Jun 28th:

1) $250 million in U.S. aid to Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) to help the over 100,000 Armenians displaced following the Turkey/Azerbaijan attacks last Fall.

2) $100 million in U.S. aid to Armenia, as it continues to defend against ongoing Azerbaijani aggression along its southern borders.

3) Strengthening of restrictions on U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan, as outlined in Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act.

Now, more than ever, Artsakh and Armenia are in need of strong bilateral relations with the U.S. and a robust aid program to rehabilitate it from the devastating impact of the war with Azerbaijan and Turkey and the COVID-19 pandemic.

My family and I look forward to learning of your leadership on these issues as part of the broader effort to strengthen the U.S.-Armenia alliance, promote regional stability, and advance American interests and our shared democratic values.


Dear Representative:

As a strong supporter of Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), I am writing to ask you to work with your colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee to support the following provisions in the Fiscal Year 2022 Foreign Aid Bill:

1) $250 million in U.S. aid to Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) to help the over 100,000 Armenians displaced following the Turkey/Azerbaijan attacks last Fall.

2) $100 million in U.S. aid to Armenia, as it continues to defend against ongoing Azerbaijani aggression along its southern borders.

3) Strengthening of restrictions on U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan, as outlined in Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act.

Now, more than ever, Artsakh and Armenia are in need of strong bilateral relations with the U.S. and a robust aid program to rehabilitate it from the devastating impact of the war with Azerbaijan and Turkey and the COVID-19 pandemic.

My family and I look forward to learning of your leadership on these issues as part of the broader effort to strengthen the U.S.-Armenia alliance, promote regional stability, and advance American interests and our shared democratic values.


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