Dear Representative:
I am writing to ask you to co-sponsor and work for the fast-track passage of the Lawler-Pallone Bill, the House counterpart to a bipartisan Senate bill (S.3000) prohibiting military aid to Azerbaijan that was passed unanimously by the Senate last November.
Sadly, President Biden – rather than working to stop Azerbaijan’s 2023 genocide of Artsakh’s (Nagorno Karabakh) indigenous Christian Armenians – chose to arm, abet and embolden Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s campaign of ethnic-cleansing. This represented a reckless continuation of the irresponsible escalation of military aid to Baku undertaken during the Trump Administration.
U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan goes against both the spirit and letter of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act. The Lawler-Pallone Bill would reaffirm this statute, restoring the proper Constitutional role of Congress in setting U.S. military aid policy and ensuring appropriate oversight and accountability of U.S. security and military assistance programs.
I encourage you to work for the immediate passage of this measure and its enactment into law with the President’s signature.