Dear Representative:
I am writing to ask you to cosponsor eight pro-Armenian amendments to the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.4350), including:
#52 Sherman: States that no Federal funds may be obligated or expended to provide any United States military or security assistance or cooperation to the defense or security forces of the Government of Azerbaijan. Contact:,
#90 Speier: Prohibits the transfer of United States security assistance to the Government of Azerbaijan. Contact:
#122 Pallone: Withholds U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan through the Section 333 Building Partner Capacity Program. Contact:
#123 Pallone: Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense, in collaboration with the Secretary of State, addressing allegations that some units of foreign countries that have participated in security cooperation programs under section 333 of title 10, U.S.C. may have also committed gross violations of internationally recognized human rights before or while receiving U.S. security assistance. This report would also includes recommendations to improve human rights training and additional measures that can be adopted to prevent these types of violations. Contact:
#408 Valadao/Sherman: Requires a report within 180 days of all US humanitarian and developmental assistance programs in Nagorno Karabakh, including an analysis of the effectiveness of such programs and any plans for future assistance. Contact:
#560 Schiff/Cardenas: Expresses the Sense of Congress that the government of Azerbaijan should immediately return all Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians. Urges the Administration to engage with Azerbaijani authorities, including through the OSCE Minsk Group, to make clear the importance of adhering to their obligations under the November 9 statement and international law to immediately release all prisoners of war and captured civilians. Contact:
#579 Titus: Requires a report by the Secretary of State on the activities of the Grey Wolves organization (AKA Bozkurtlar & Ülkü Ocaklari) undertaken against U.S. interests, allies, and international partners, including a review of the criteria met for designation as a foreign terrorist organization. Contact:
#586 Cardenas: Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense on U.S. parts found in Turkish Bayraktar drones deployed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno Karabakh and an assessment of potential violations of Arms Export Control Act. Contact:
#696 Sherman: Requires the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to submit to the congressional defense committees a report on Azerbaijan. Contact:,
As you know, the full U.S. House voted in July of this year to block all Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and International Military Education and Training (IMET) appropriations for Azerbaijan, as part of the FY22 State-Foreign Operations Bill. This prohibition must now be extended to all Defense Department authorizations and appropriations.
With every passing day and each new Azerbaijani cross-border attack, it’s increasingly clear that not a single U.S. tax dollar should ever be sent to the Azerbaijani dictatorship – a corrupt single-family dictatorship run by President Ilham Aliyev, a violently racist, anti-Armenian petro-monarch. The United States must never contribute, either directly or indirectly, to Azerbaijan’s military operations, activities, or capabilities.
Please cosponsor these amendments and do all in your power to support their passage, when they are ruled “in order.”
Thank you for your attention to my concerns.