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ANCA Rapid Responder Letters - Condemn Azerbaijani Attack on Artsakh

Letter to President Trump and former Vice President Biden:

Dear _____________:

I am writing – amid a renewed round of Azerbaijani rocket, artillery, and drone attacks on civilian centers across the independent Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) – to ask you to take three immediate actions:

1) Condemn Azerbaijan’s unprovoked aggression
2) Call upon Baku to cease all offensive uses of force
3) Oppose all U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s most recent attack on Artsakh – launched on the morning of Sunday, September 27th – comes in the wake of a large-scale July 12th offensive against the Tavush region of Armenia. During this attack, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense threatened to bomb Armenia’s nuclear power station – an act of mass regional destruction.

Azerbaijan is recklessly risking a regional war during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

I also ask you to call on House and Senate foreign aid conferees to maintain the language of the Speier-Cox-Bilirakis-Krishnamoorthi Amendment to the FY2021 State-Foreign Operations bill (H.R.7608), appropriating no less than $1.5 million in U.S. aid to Nagorno Karabakh, and also to ask NDAA conferees to accept the Pallone Amendment and to reject the Chabot-Cohen Amendment – an anti-Armenian measure that will set back the cause of peace.

Thank you for your attention to these requests. I look forward to sharing news of your actions on these urgent matters with my friends and family.

Letter to your U.S. Senators:

Dear Senator:

I am writing to alert you to an Azerbaijani attack launched against Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) during the early morning hours of Sunday, September 27th – and to ask that you immediately:

1) Condemn Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenians
2) Call for a complete cut-off of U.S. military aid to Baku

This attack – which comes in the wake of Azerbaijan’s July 12th large-scale offensive against the Tavush region of Armenia – comes under cover of the global COVID-19 pandemic – risking a regional war during an international health crisis.

In light of this attack, I also urgently ask you to aggressively press for these legislative initiatives during the final days and weeks of the 116th Congress:

— Ensure that Senate conferees maintain the language of the Speier-Cox-Bilirakis-Krishnamoorthi Amendment to the FY2021 State-Foreign Operations bill (H.R.7608), appropriating no less than $1.5 million in U.S. aid to Nagorno Karabakh. It was adopted by the House on July 23, 2020.

— Ensure that Senate conferees strike the Chabot-Cohen Amendment – an anti-Armenian measure adopted during House consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.6395). This counterproductive measure, introduced by leaders of the Turkish and Azerbaijan caucuses, would undermine the U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group as an honest broker, and set back the cause of peace by emboldening Azerbaijani aggression.

— Support a provision of the Intelligence Authorization Act (July 31, 2020) to require that U.S. intelligence agencies more closely monitor Azerbaijani aggression. This measure complements the bipartisan Royce-Engel cease-fire monitoring initiative, which calls for gunfire locators on the line-of-contact.

— Ensure that Senate conferees maintain the language of the Pallone Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.6395). This measure strengthens Congressional oversight of a Defense Department program (Section 333, Building Partner Capacity) under which the Azerbaijani government has received over $100 million in military aid.

Special thanks for your urgent attention to Azerbaijan’s aggression. I look forward to sharing news of your actions on these matters with my friends and family.

Letter to your U.S. Representative

Dear Representative:

I am writing to alert you to an Azerbaijani attack launched against Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) during the early morning hours of Sunday, September 27th – and to ask that you immediately:

1) Condemn Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenians
2) Call for a complete cut-off of U.S. military aid to Baku

This attack – which comes in the wake of Azerbaijan’s July 12th large-scale offensive against the Tavush region of Armenia – comes under cover of the global COVID-19 pandemic – risking a regional war during an international health crisis.

In light of this attack, I urgently ask you to aggressively press for these legislative initiatives during the final days and weeks of the 116th Congress:

— Ensure that House conferees maintain the language of the Speier-Cox-Bilirakis-Krishnamoorthi Amendment to the FY2021 State-Foreign Operations bill (H.R.7608), appropriating no less than $1.5 million in U.S. aid to Nagorno Karabakh. It was adopted by the House on July 23, 2020.

— Ensure that House conferees strike the Chabot-Cohen Amendment – an anti-Armenian measure adopted during House consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.6395). This counterproductive measure, introduced by leaders of the Turkish and Azerbaijan caucuses, would undermine the U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group as an honest broker, and set back the cause of peace by emboldening Azerbaijani aggression.

— Support a provision of the Intelligence Authorization Act (July 31, 2020) to require that U.S. intelligence agencies more closely monitor Azerbaijani aggression. This measure complements the bipartisan Royce-Engel cease-fire monitoring initiative, which calls for gunfire locators on the line-of-contact.

— Ensure that House conferees maintain the language of the Pallone Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.6395). This measure strengthens Congressional oversight of a Defense Department program (Section 333, Building Partner Capacity) under which the Azerbaijani government has received over $100 million in military aid.

— Support passage of H.Res.190, the U.S.-Artsakh Travel and Communication Resolution, and H.Res.452, the U.S.-Armenia Strategic Partnership Resolution.

Special thanks for your urgent attention to Azerbaijan’s aggression. I look forward to sharing news of your actions on these matters with my friends and family.

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