Text of Letter Thanking your U.S. Representative for Co-Sponsoring the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.296)
Dear Representative:
Thank you for joining Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), and over 100 of your colleagues as a co-sponsor of Armenian Genocide legislation (H.Res.296), which calls for the U.S. to properly commemorate this crime, to distance America from genocide denial, and to make sure that the lessons of this mass murder are used to prevent future atrocities.
As you may know, the Eisenhower Administration, in 1951, confirmed to the International Court of Justice that the Armenian Genocide constituted a clear case of genocide. President Reagan affirmed the Armenian Genocide in 1981 through Proclamation #4838 and for its part, the U.S. House of Representatives, through HJR148 in 1975 and HJR247 in 1984, has properly marked this genocidal crime.
Yet, over the better part of four decades, the U.S. government, fearful of Turkey’s threats, has resorted to evasive terminology and offensive euphemisms, compromising the truth and, with it, both our international standing on issues of human rights, religious freedom, and genocide prevention. That has to end.
No nation deserves a veto over U.S. policy – especially one as anti-American and undemocratic as today’s Turkey.
The facts are clear, as is our moral imperative: America should oppose genocide, in every instance, in every way. No exceptions. That is our legal obligation under the Genocide Convention and our ethical obligation as Americans.
American condemnation of this crime will hold great meaning for the descendants of all its victims, including millions of Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Pontians, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites and other Christians, many of whom found safe haven here in the United States.
Thank you for your support and for sharing with me any further actions or votes you take on this matter.
Letter Urging Members of Congress to Co-Sponsor the Artsakh Travel and Communication Resolution (H.Res.190)
Dear Representative:
I join with friends, family, and the local Armenian American community in encouraging you to cosponsor and also work for passage of the Artsakh Travel and Communication Resolution (H.Res.190), a pro-peace measure that seeks to remove barriers to direct dialogue between the United States and the Republic of Artsakh.
Dialogue represents the cornerstone of American diplomacy and the key to the peaceful resolution of conflicts in Artsakh and around the world. Sadly, however, successive U.S. administrations have allowed the Azerbaijani government to dictate the terms of American discourse with the stakeholders of the Artsakh peace process. For far too long, the United States has granted Baku an undeserved veto over direct U.S. dialogue with Artsakh, at the expense of U.S. interests and contrary to our core American commitment to peace among all nations.
This bipartisan resolution advances U.S. interests by removing artificial, outdated, and obsolete barriers to travel and communications between America and Artsakh. Its aim is to promote peace, stability, and democratic development in the Caucasus region. This resolution would also facilitate improved U.S. oversight of our aid program in Artsakh, while, more broadly, providing opportunities for U.S. policymakers to witness first-hand the progress of this proud republic and the challenges its people face as they seek a fair and lasting peace with Azerbaijan. The measure would specifically stipulate that the House of Representatives:
1) Affirms its commitment to supporting actions that encourage visits and communication between officials from the United States and Artsakh at all levels, including cabinet-level national security officials, general officers, and other executive branch officials, to travel to Artsakh and openly and directly communicate with their Artsakh counterparts;
2) Encourages open communication, meetings, and other direct contacts between officials of Artsakh and the executive and legislative branches of the United States, representatives of State and local governments, and representatives of American civil society; and
3) Calls for the full and direct participation of the democratically-elected Government of the Republic of Artsakh in all OSCE and other negotiations regarding its future.
As our diplomats know so well, there is, very simply, no substitute for direct dialogue or on-the-ground presence. Self-imposed restrictions, unilateral gag-rules, irrational travel bans, or senseless diplomatic no-go zones are self-defeating, unwisely and unnecessarily handicapping U.S. foreign policy practitioners just when we need to be stepping up our global diplomatic leadership.
I encourage you to co-sponsor and work for the timely passage of the Artsakh Travel and Communications Resolution (H.Res.190), and look forward to hearing from you regarding the actions you take on this matter.