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ANCA Rapid Responder Letters - Help Strengthen the Congressional Armenian Caucus

Letter to U.S. Representatives who Serve on the Congressional Armenian Caucus:

Dear Representative:

I want to thank you for your membership in the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues.

My family and friends are strong supporters of this bipartisan legislative organization, co-chaired by Representatives Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Jackie Speier (D-CA), Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), David Valadao (R-CA), and Vice-Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA). We highly value the vital leadership role the Caucus has played, for more than two decades, in celebrating and supporting the enduring friendship of the American and Armenian peoples.

As you know so well, the Armenian Caucus, building upon a solid foundation of shared democratic values, seeks to expand U.S.-Armenia diplomatic, cultural, economic, and military relations; supports the right of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic to live in security and freedom, and – of course – works toward a truthful and just resolution of the Armenian Genocide. Each of these priorities, and all the many others pursued by the Caucus, advance U.S. regional interests, in a strategically significant area of the world, and promote core American values, such as justice, freedom, and democratic development. These issues also hold great meaning for our nation’s citizens of Armenian heritage and for all those who support Armenia – the world’s first Christian state – and who believe in strengthening the shared values that have long drawn together the American and Armenian peoples.

I am deeply appreciative of your role in the Caucus, and for all that this group has done, since Armenia’s rebirth as an independent state in 1991, to foster democratic reforms, build self-sustaining economic growth, and help Armenia (a landlocked country) overcome the legacy of Azerbaijani aggression and the devastating impact of dual Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades. I am also gratified that, for her part, Armenia has been a strong friend and partner with the United States, having sent troops to support our efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kosovo. Armenia regularly rates highly on The Wall Street Journal-Heritage Foundation Index of Economic, a sign of progress reflected in the growing level of U.S. investment in the Armenian economy.

I know that the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) would welcome the opportunity to work with you in expanding your engagement with the Caucus and in assisting you in your leadership on issues of special concern to Americans of Armenian heritage. Please feel free to contact Tereza Yerimyan from their offices at tereza@anca.org.

Thank you for your membership in the Armenian Caucus and for your attention to my concerns. As always, I welcome the opportunity to hear from you regarding Armenian issues.

Letter to U.S. House Members Encouraging them to Join the Congressional Armenian Caucus:

Please consider joining the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, a bipartisan legislative organization led by Representatives Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Jackie Speier (D-CA), Gus Bilirakis (R-FL),  David Valadao (R-CA), and Adam Schiff (D-CA), that has, for more than two decades, played a vital leadership role in celebrating and supporting the enduring friendship of the American and Armenian peoples.

The Armenian Caucus, building upon a solid foundation of shared democratic values, seeks to expand U.S.-Armenia diplomatic, cultural, economic, and military relations; supports the right of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic to live in security and freedom, and – of course – works toward a truthful and just resolution of the Armenian Genocide. Each of these priorities, and all the many others pursued by the Caucus, advance U.S. regional interests, in a strategically significant area of the world, and promote core American values, such as justice, freedom, and democratic development. These issues also hold great meaning for our nation’s citizens of Armenian heritage and for all those who support Armenia – the world’s first Christian state – and who believe in strengthening the shared values that have long drawn together the American and Armenian peoples.

Since Armenia’s rebirth as an independent state in 1991, the U.S. government – in great measure through the leadership of Armenian Caucus – has played a critical role in fostering democratic reforms, building self-sustaining economic growth, and helping Armenia (a landlocked country) overcome the legacy of Azerbaijani aggression and the devastating impact of dual Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades. For her part, Armenia has been a strong friend and partner with the United States, having sent troops to support our efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kosovo. Armenia regularly rates highly on The Wall Street Journal-Heritage Foundation Index of Economic, a sign of progress reflected in the growing level of U.S. investment in the Armenian economy.

I know that the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) would welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the Armenian issues. Please contact Tereza Yerimyan at their offices at tereza@anca.org, or – if you would simply like to join the Armenian Caucus, contact the offices of Representatives Pallone, Speier, of Bilirakis.

Thank you for your consideration of my request. I would welcome hearing from you regarding any actions that you may take on this matter.

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