Letter Urging Senators to Cosign the Menendez Letter to President Biden Urging him to Recognize the Armenian Genocide
Dear Senator:
I am writing to ask you to please co-sign the bipartisan Menendez Letter calling on President Biden to recognize the Armenian Genocide.
It’s long past time for the White House to finally reject Ankara’s gag-rule and join with both houses of Congress in properly commemorating this crime. No nation – especially one as hostile as Turkey – deserves a veto over U.S. human rights policy.
As you may know, President Biden fought for U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide as a U.S. Senator and, as a candidate, pledged “to support a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide.” Since both the Senate and House have already passed such resolutions, the Executive Branch must now take this stand for the truth. The letter notes that “Administrations of both parties have been silent on the truth of the Armenian Genocide,” and urges the President to “break this pattern of complicity by officially recognizing that the Armenian Genocide was genocide.”
Thank you for your consideration of my request.
Letter Thanking Senators Who Have Cosigned the Menendez Letter to President Biden Urging him to Recognize the Armenian Genocide
Dear Senator:
I am writing to thank you for your leadership in calling on President Biden to recognize the Armenian Genocide.
It’s long past time for the White House to finally reject Ankara’s gag-rule and join with both houses of Congress in properly commemorating this crime. No nation – especially one as hostile as Turkey – deserves a veto over U.S. human rights policy.
President Biden fought for U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide as a U.S. Senator and, as a candidate, pledged “to support a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide.” Since both the Senate and House have already passed such resolutions, the Executive Branch must now take this stand for the truth. The letter notes that “Administrations of both parties have been silent on the truth of the Armenian Genocide,” and urges the President to “break this pattern of complicity by officially recognizing that the Armenian Genocide was genocide.”
Thank you, once again, for your leadership in ensuring proper U.S. recognition and commemoration of this crime.