Letter to U.S. Senators to Support Passage of the Padilla-Rubio Anti-Blockade Legislation (S.Res.244):

Dear Senator:

I am writing to ask you to cosponsor and work for the timely passage of the Padilla-Rubio Anti-Blockade Resolution (S.Res.244), a bipartisan measure aimed at breaking Azerbaijan’s brutal blockade of food and medicine, and other life-saving supplies to 120,000 Christian Armenians struggling to survive in their ancient, indigenous Artsakh homeland. This measure forcefully condemns Azerbaijan’s blockade and advances an array of practical remedies to the worsening humanitarian crisis in Artsakh:

1) U.S. leadership in rallying the global community to petition international and multinational courts to investigate Azerbaijani war crimes, including the abuse and execution of Armenian POWs.
2) U.S. cooperation with international partners, including Artsakh authorities, in securing the deployment of international observers to the Lachin Corridor.
3) Presidential action to immediately suspend any U.S. military or security assistance to Azerbaijan, and to enforce Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act.
4) Presidential enforcement of statutory sanctions authority against Azerbaijani officials responsible for the blockade of Artsakh and other human rights violations.
5) A robust program of sustained humanitarian relief and longer-term development assistance to the Armenian victims of Azerbaijani aggression in Artsakh.

Please review the Padilla-Rubio resolution and work for its timely passage. As always, you and your staff can contact the Armenian National Committee of America with any questions or requests for additional information.



Letter to U.S. Representatives to Support Passage of Pro-Artsakh Legislation (H.Res.108 and S.Res.320):

Dear Representative:

I am writing to ask you to cosponsor and work for the timely passage of H.Res.108 and H.Res.320, two bipartisan measures aimed at breaking Azerbaijan’s brutal blockade of food and medicine, and other life-saving supplies to 120,000 Christian Armenians struggling to survive in their ancient, indigenous Artsakh homeland. These two measures forcefully condemn Azerbaijan’s blockade and advance an array of practical remedies to the worsening humanitarian crisis in Artsakh:

I join with my family and community in calling upon you to actively support the following policy priorities:

1) U.S. recognition of Artsakh’s inalienable right to self-determination.
2) U.S. leadership in rallying the global community to petition international and multinational courts to investigate Azerbaijani war crimes.
3) U.S. cooperation with international partners, including Artsakh authorities, in securing the deployment of international observers to the Lachin Corridor.
4) Presidential action to immediately suspend any U.S. military or security assistance to Azerbaijan, and to enforce Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act.
5) Presidential enforcement of statutory sanctions authority against Azerbaijani officials responsible for the blockade of Artsakh and other human rights violations.
6) A robust program of sustained U.S. humanitarian relief and longer-term development assistance to the Armenian victims of Azerbaijani aggression in Artsakh.
7) U.S. investigations into Azerbaijani war crimes, including the abuse and execution of Armenian POWs, use of prohibited munitions, and deployment of foreign mercenaries.

Sadly, Azerbaijan’s current blockade of Artsakh – backed by Recep Erdogan’s increasingly hostile Turkish regime – represents only the most recent example of the oil-rich Aliyev family’s three-decade-long pattern of attacks and ethnic cleansing of Armenians upon their ancient patrimony. This dictatorship does not need and surely does not deserve any American tax dollars. The President should enforce Section 907 restrictions against aid to Azerbaijan, and – if he does not – Congress needs to step in to make sure U.S. funds never aid, abet, or arm Azerbaijan.

Please review these bipartisan measures and work for their timely passage. As always, you and your staff can contact the Armenian National Committee of America with any questions or requests for additional information.

I look forward to sharing your support and learning of the adoption of these two measures.



Letter urging U.S. Representatives to Cosign the Congressional Letter led by Rep. Barbara Lee to Stop U.S. Military Aid to Azerbaijan:

Dear Representative:

I am writing to encourage you to co-sign and share with your colleagues the Congressional letter that Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) is currently circulating for signatures in opposition to U.S. taxpayer-funded military aid to Azerbaijan’s oil-rich and hyper-aggressive Aliyev regime.

The letter – addressed to Secretary of State Blinken – highlights “the deteriorating humanitarian situation caused by Azerbaijan’s extended blockade of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), and urges the Biden-Harris Administration to cease further military assistance to Azerbaijan pursuant to Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act while this blockade remains in effect.

The signatories underscore that, “in recent weeks, Azerbaijan has tightened its blockade by establishing a military checkpoint on the corridor – a major escalation that was rightly criticized in a statement by the State Department. Since the imposition of this checkpoint, Azerbaijan has interrupted the International Committee for the Red Cross’s ability to deliver vital humanitarian supplies, and transport patients in critical condition to the Republic of Armenia for treatment.” They further note that, “Azerbaijan’s blockade is both a violation of international humanitarian law and of the November 9th agreement that put an end to active hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan in 2020. It also stands in opposition to calls from this administration – as well as international entities including the International Court of Justice – to ensure the free flow of commercial traffic along the Lachin Corridor.”

My family and I share the view expressed in this letter that, in the context of Azerbaijan’s ongoing blockade and President Aliyev’s continuing threats, “extending the Presidential waiver of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act would send a dangerous message to Azerbaijan’s government that there will be no repercussions for its attempts to impose its will on the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh by intimidation, starvation and force… As long as Azerbaijan’s blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh is in effect, we should not be sending security assistance to Azerbaijan. Doing so would only encourage and enable Azerbaijan’s aggression, and further set back the prospects of a durable peace that ensures the fundamental rights of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh.”

Please co-sign the Lee Letter and share this Congressional correspondence with your colleagues who might be interested in supporting this pro-peace initiative. I look forward to hearing of your support and to sharing news of your signature with our local community and coalition partners. Should you have any questions, please reach out to the Armenian National Committee of America – legislative@anca.org.


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