ANCA Western Region Advocacy Days | September 18 - 20, 2024 | Washington, DC

We invite you to join Hai Tahd activists from across the region in the nation’s capital from September 18 – 20 for the ANCA Western Region Advocacy Days on Capitol Hill.

Use your unique opportunity as a constituent to participate in Congressional meetings, calling on your Representative and Senators to:

  • Work to enforce Global Magnitsky Sanctions against Azerbaijan, which will restrict financial dealings, freeze assets, and limit travel by senior leaders in Baku. The Global Magnitsky Act – a powerful statutory tool enacted by Congress – gives the White House broad power to sanction foreign officials who are responsible for serious human rights abuses.
  • Demand Azerbaijan’s immediate release of Armenian prisoners of war, captured civilians, and political prisoners, including Artsakh government officials illegally detained and held hostage after Azerbaijan’s genocide of Artsakh Armenians.
  • Co-sponsor and work for the fast-track passage of pro-Armenian legislation, including language that works to enforce Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act and ensure the safe and dignified return of the Armenian people of Artsakh under international protection.

Armenian Legal Center’s partner and human rights attorney Siranush Sahakyan, president of Yerevan’s International Comparative Law Center (ICLaw), will join the Eastern Region delegation. Collectively, we will call for Global Magnitsky sanctions against senior Azerbaijani officials as well as the immediate release of all prisoners of war and political hostages currently held by the emboldened Aliyev regime.

We encourage you to join us in Washington, DC, and ensure your elected officials meet and hear from members of the Armenian community in their district or state – your presence in their office is the greatest form of leverage.

Simple Registration Process:

Simply fill out the below form by September 5th, 2024!

Registrants will need to be approved prior to receiving further information. Once your registration is approved, we will be in touch with additional details!

ANCA WR Advocacy Days Schedule:

Wednesday, September 18:

  • Arrival to ANCA DC Office by 12pm.
  • Overview of Talking Points & Priorities, Mock Meetings and & Briefing by Siranush Sahakyan.
  • Distribution of Packets & Schedule of Meetings.

Thursday, September 19 – 20:

  • 9am-5pm: Congressional Meetings on Capitol Hill.
  • Following Congressional meetings, we will host an event on Capitol Hill event on September 19th. We will be in touch with additional details as they become available!

For any questions, please contact We look forward to seeing you in Washington, DC!

Your generosity empowers our advocacy, inspires our work, and sustains our momentum.