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TELL BGR: #Stop taking Blood Money from #Azerbaijan

BGR Group represents Azerbaijan in Washington, spreading lies to cover up for Aliyev’s war crimes against Armenian civilians.

Educate BGR about Azerbaijan’s Aliyev regime and call on them to drop Baku as a client:

Take these three steps today:

1- Call top Executives

Bob Wood, President and CEO of BGR: (202) 333-4936

Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, Public Relations, at (202) 661-6367

Todd Eardensohn, Chief Financial Officer, at (202) 333-3936

Leave a message asking them to drop Azerbaijan as a client.

2- Click here to send a pre-written tweet calling on BGR Group to drop Azerbaijan as a client

When will #BGRGroup stop taking blood money from #Azerbaijan’s corrupt, oil-rich Aliyev regime to cover up for its war crimes (documented by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International) against #Armenia – the world’s first Christian nation?

3- Write to BGR Executives at anca.org/WriteBGR

Click here to directly connect to your email and send a pre-written message to BGR officials.

If your browser does not support this functionality, use the following email address and the text below. If your time permits, please customize the subject line and sample letter.

Here is the list of email addresses:

fahrens@bgrpr.com; CLeVan@bgrdc.com; jbirnbaum@bgrpr.com; rbrim@bgrdc.com; ebrown@bgrdc.com; fcarlsson@bgrdc.com; rdalton@bgrdc.com; bdelmonte@bgrdc.com; SDuffy@bgrdc.com; teardensohn@bgrdc.com; aellis@bgrpr.com; dfarmer@bgrdc.com; LFontaine@bgrpr.com; LGriffith@BGRdc.com; dhahn@bgrdc.com; mhoffmann@bgrdc.com; akhan@bgrdc.com; jlai@bgrdc.com; PLandrum@bgrdc.com; clevan@bgrdc.com; alewin@bgrdc.com; jliu@bgrchina.com; tlocke@bgrdc.com; jmantz@bgrdc.com; jlarkin@bgrdc.com; jmaney@bgrpr.com; lmonroe@bgrdc.com; lmunson@bgrdc.com; DMurphy@BGRdc.com; rosinski@bgrdc.com; wroberts@bgrdc.com; ed_rogers@bgrdc.com; jrzepka@bgrdc.com; mseiden@bgrdc.com; csimeone@bgrdc.com; jstone@bgrdc.com; jstrickland@bgrdc.com; kstrobel@bgrdc.com; mtavlarides@bgrdc.com; bviney@bgrdc.com; rwalton@bgrdc.com; EWells@bgrdc.com; BWood@bgrdc.com

Here is a sample subject line: Blood on your hands

Here is a sample letter:

Dear BGR Group team member,

You likely have Armenian friends, neighbors, co-workers, and colleagues.

Perhaps you learned about Armenia as an early cradle of Christianity in Sunday School. About the Apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew preaching the Gospel in Armenia, which became the first nation to adopt Christianity as its state religion in 301 AD.

Certainly, you know about the horrors of the Armenian Genocide and its continued denial by Turkey and Azerbaijan.  To this day Armenia – a landlocked, blockaded, partitioned genocide-survivor state – is still struggling to overcome the brutal consequences of this still unpunished crime – including blockades by both Ankara and Baku.

And yet, despite all this, you continue to work for the BGR Group. Even as this firm takes money from the corrupt, oil-rich dictator of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev to cover up his ongoing war crimes against Armenian civilians in Artsakh.

Your hands are awash in innocent Armenian blood.

Your generosity empowers our advocacy, inspires our work, and sustains our momentum.