The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2020 Grade

Cosponsored the Armenian Genocide Resolution, S.Res.150? Yes
Cosponsored the Azerbaijan Human Rights / Arms Ban Resolution, S.Res.754? No
Cosponsored the Turkey Human Rights / Arms Ban Resolution, S.Res.755? No
Signed the 2020 Letter Condemning Azerbaijan/Turkey Attacks? No
Signed the 2020 Letter Supporting Artsakh De-Mining? No
Signed the 2019 Letter Supporting Artsakh De-Mining? No
Signed the 2020 Letter to the Library of Congress Urging them to Properly Categorize the Armenian Genocide? No
Issued a 2020 Statement Calling for Artsakh Recognition? No
Issued a 2020 Statement Condemning Azerbaijan/Turkey Attacks on Armenia/Artsakh? No
Issued an April 24th Statement Marking the Armenian Genocide in 2019/2020? Yes

10/24/20 - Sen. Cruz tweeted "Troubling to see Turkey deploying Russia's S-400 system. NATO is a military alliance. As a NATO ally we expect Turkey to pursue shared interests to defend Europe against Russian aggression and steer clear of Russian weaponry.|Turkish President Tayyip #Erdogan confirmed on Friday that Turkey had been testing the S-400 air defense system it bought from #Russia, adding that the objection from @NATO ally United States on the issue did not matter.…" View the tweet here.

04/23/20 - Sen. Cruz tweeted "Today we solemnly remember the 1.5 million innocent souls lost in the #ArmenianGenocide 105 years ago. I was proud to lead efforts in the Senate to pass a bipartisan resolution to commemorate and acknowledge the fact of this genocide." View the tweet here.

04/23/20 - Sen. Cruz posted the following to Facebook: "Today we solemnly remember the 1.5 million innocent souls lost in the #ArmenianGenocide 105 years ago. I was proud to lead efforts in the Senate to pass a bipartisan resolution to commemorate and acknowledge the fact of this genocide." View the Facebook post here.

12/12/19 - Sen. Cruz tweeted "Proud the Senate unanimously passed @SenatorMenendez's & my bipartisan resolution to recognize and commemorate the #ArmenianGenocide.|BREAKING: Our resolution to recognize and commemorate the #ArmenianGenocide just passed the United States Senate." View the tweet here.

12/06/19 - Sen. Cruz tweeted "ICYMI yesterday on the Senate floor: "Yes, Turkey is a NATO ally, but allies can speak the truth to each other. We should never be afraid to tell the truth, and alliances grounded in lies are themselves unsustainable."" View the tweet here.

12/06/19 - Sen. Cruz posted the following to Facebook: "Yes, Turkey is a NATO ally, but allies can speak the truth to each other. We should never be afraid to tell the truth, and alliances grounded in lies are themselves unsustainable." View the Facebook post here.

11/21/19 - Sen. Cruz tweeted "Recently the House voted to pass a resolution to formally recognize the #ArmenianGenocide & reject all forms of its denial. Today on the Senate floor I called upon on my Senate colleagues to take up and pass the resolution I introduced with @SenatorMenendez in the Senate." View the tweet here.

11/21/19 - Sen. Cruz posted the following to Facebook: "Recently the House voted to pass a resolution to formally recognize the #ArmenianGenocide & reject all forms of its denial. Today on the Senate floor I called upon on my Senate colleagues to take up and pass the resolution I introduced with Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) in the Senate." View the Facebook post here.

11/13/19 - Sen. Cruz tweeted "I have always described Turkey as an ally – a deeply problematic ally, but an ally nonetheless, in a very troubled region of the world. I went to the White House today to tell President Erdogan exactly that." View the tweet here.

11/13/19 - Sen. Cruz tweeted "While our alliance with Turkey is important to maintaining U.S. national security interests, Turkey’s assault against our Kurdish allies, who have a long history of standing with America against our enemies, is absolutely unacceptable." View the tweet here.

10/28/19 - Sen. Cruz tweeted "I call on my Senate colleagues to expeditiously consider and pass a resolution I introduced with @SenatorMenendez to officially recognize the #ArmenianGenocide & reject all forms of its denial." View the tweet here.

10/23/19 - Sen. Cruz posted the following to Facebook: "Any halt to hostilities in Syria is welcome news. I have said before that Turkey’s incursion is totally unacceptable, and Turkey needs to cooperate with the United States to address its security interests in northeast Syria. This invasion endangered our Kurdish partners, and unfortunately now risks a resurgence of ISIS. The United States should stand by our Kurdish allies, who have a long history of standing with America against our enemies, and try to stop the chaos that ISIS fighters are taking advantage of by escaping prison. -->" View the Facebook post here.

10/07/19 - Sen. Cruz posted the following to Facebook: "Defeating ISIS and destroying their so-called caliphate was a major victory, and the President is right to want to bring our soldiers home. We don't leave our troops in foreign theaters forever, but we still have major national security interests in Syria.

We cannot allow ISIS to return. Right now some 15,000 ISIS fighters remain in Iraq and Syria, and Idlib Province has a higher concentration of terrorists than any location in last 40 years.

It would also be DISGRACEFUL if we sat idly by while Turkey slaughters the Kurds, as public reports suggest that Turkish leader Erdogan explicitly told President Trump he intends to do. Kurds risked their lives—for many years—to fight alongside us. Our enemies and rivals (Iran, Russia, etc.) don’t abandon their allies; if we want allies to stand with America in the future, we shouldn’t either. Honorable nations stand by their friends." View the Facebook post here.
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