The ANCA closely tracks the performance of every incumbent Senator and Representative across a broad array of pro-Armenian legislative metrics, carefully scores and objectively grades each legislator, and then – as a public service to voters interested in factoring our insights into the diverse set of criteria they consider when voting – widely circulates non-biased, fact-driven, merit-based Report Cards and Endorsements each election cycle.

Choose your state on the map below or in the “Select State” dropbox to view the report cards of all House Members and Senate Members.

2018 Grade

Cosponsored the Armenian Genocide Resolution, S.Res.136? No
Cosponsored the Haiti and Armenia Reforestation Act, S.3272? No
Cosponsored the Block F-35 Sale To Turkey Act, S.2781? Yes
Cosponsored the Restrict International Financial Aid to Turkey Act, S.3248? Yes
Cosponsored the Religious Freedom in Eurasia Resolution, S.Res.539? Yes
Cosponsored the Promoting Religious Freedom Resolution, S.Res.162? No
Cosponsored the End Cyprus Arms Embargo Act, S.2963? No
Condemned the May 2017 Erdogan-ordered attacks in Sheridan Circle? No
Offered remarks in 2017 / 2018 in Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in the Senate? No
Participated in the 2017 / 2018 Capitol Hill Commemorations of the Armenian Genocide? No
Participated in the ANCA's June 2018 Armenia First Republic Centennial Event? No
Signed the February 2017 Corker-Cardin Letter demanding Erdogan free Pastor Brunson? Yes
Signed the April 2018 Tillis-Shaheen letter demanding Erdogan free Pastor Brunson? Yes

08/01/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis offered a statement on the Senate floor calling for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkish prison. Read the statement here.

07/31/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "RT @AmericaNewsroom: WATCH: @SandraSmithFox spoke with @SenThomTillis about the next steps in freeing a US Pastor held in Turkey #nine2noon"Read the tweet here.

07/25/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "RT @SecPompeo: We welcome long overdue news that Pastor Brunson has been moved from prison to house arrest in #Turkey, but it is not enough. We have seen no credible evidence against Mr. Brunson, and call on Turkish authorities to resolve his case immediately in a transparent and fair manner."Read the tweet here.

07/25/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "The Government of Turkey should now release Pastor Brunson and immediately return him to the United States, an action that would begin to restore the longstanding friendship between our two nations. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

07/24/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "The provision I authored with @SenatorShaheen to delay delivery of F-35s to Turkey was included in the final NDAA. The U.S. expects Turkey to uphold its obligations as a NATO ally, including respecting the due process rights of American citizens."Read the tweet here.

07/23/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Our view | @JournalNow | Free N.C. pastor held in Turkey"Read the tweet here.

07/19/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "RT @AmericaNewsroom: LISTEN: @SandraSmithFox spoke with @SenThomTillis about the President tweeting on the American Pastor jailed in Turkey"Read the tweet here.

07/18/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis offered a statement on the Senate floor calling for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkish prison. Read the statement here.

07/11/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis offered a statement on the Senate floor calling for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkish prison. Read the statement here.

06/25/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "If Turkey is going to behave this way and not treat us with the respect I think you should treat another NATO ally, then we have to rethink our relationship. I'll do everything I can to make Turkey accountable for the unlawful detention of Pastor Brunson. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

06/21/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Turkey's duty as a NATO ally is to respect the due process rights of US citizens traveling or residing in Turkey. Until this applies to Pastor Brunson's case, the United States should rethink our relationship with Turkey. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

06/19/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "I am also pleased my bipartisan provision with @SenatorShaheen to delay the sale of F-35s to Turkey was included so we can send a clear message to President Erdogan that the United States expects Turkey to uphold its obligations as a NATO ally."Read the tweet here.

06/15/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Every week, until Pastor Andrew Brunson is released from prison in Turkey, I will speak on the Senate floor to highlight our concern for him, call for his release and continue to question our relationship with our NATO ally. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

06/13/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis offered a statement on the Senate floor calling for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkish prison. Read the statement here.

06/08/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Turkey has held American Pastor Brunson for over 600 days. We will not stop fighting to #FreePastorBrunson. @SenatorShaheen and I secured a provision in the FY2019 NDAA that makes us rethink our relationship with this NATO ally, particularly around the joint strike fighter."Read the tweet here.

06/07/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis offered a statement on the Senate floor calling for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkish prison. Read the statement here.

06/07/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "TUNE IN at 12pm ET: @SenatorShaheen and I join @MSNBC's @mitchellreports to discuss our Turkey F-35 amendment and Pastor Andrew Bruson. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

06/04/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Today marks 605 days of Pastor Andrew Brunson being imprisoned in Turkey. We will not stop fighting to #FreePastorBrunson and will continue to pray for him. #PrayForAndrewBrunson"Read the tweet here.

05/30/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Today marks 600 days that Pastor Andrew Brunson has been imprisoned in Turkey. Thank you @POTUS for reminding Pastor Brunson and his family that the United States has not forgotten about him. We will continue to fight to #FreePastorBrunson."Read the tweet here.

05/29/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "I wish we could be working to pass an NDAA that would strengthen the relationship between Turkey and the U.S. However, the Turkish government’s recent actions, including the wrongful treatment of Pastor Brunson, has made this congressional response both necessary and appropriate."Read the tweet here.

05/24/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "I spoke on the Senate floor on Pastor Andrew Brunson, who has been wrongfully imprisoned by the Turkish Government for 594 days. #FreePastorBrunson (1/2)...In the #NDAA, we need to send a clear message to President Erdogan & the people of Turkey to treat Americans fairly and with respect. If they don't, we're going to have to continue to up the temperature until justice is done for Pastor Brunson and others in Turkish prisons. (2/2)"Read the tweet here.

05/23/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis offered a statement on the Senate floor calling for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkish prison. Read the statement here.

05/16/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis offered a statement on the Senate floor calling for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkish prison. Read the statement here.

05/10/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis offered a statement on the Senate floor calling for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkish prison. Read the statement here.

05/07/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Today, Turkish court postponed Pastor Brunson's next hearing until July 18. We will not stop fighting to #FreePastorBrunson, and we will continue to send him our prayers. (1/2)...It is disturbing that Pastor Brunson's request to have witnesses speak on his behalf at the next hearing in July was denied, showing once again this is a kangaroo court. #FreePastorBrunson (2/2)"Read the tweet here.

04/26/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "RT @SenatorLankford: Turkish Pres. Erdogan's disregard for the rule of law is dangerous. @SenThomTillis, @SenatorShaheen & I today intro’d a bill to prevent the transfer of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft to Turkey. This technology is too risky in Erdogan’s hands."Read the tweet here.

04/25/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "My speech on NC native Pastor Andrew Brunson who has been wrongfully imprisoned by the Turkish Government since 10/7/16. Last month, he was indicted on bogus charges related to terrorism and espionage and faces up to 35 years in prison. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

04/23/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted ".@SenatorShaheen and I led a bipartisan group of Senators in sending a letter to the President of Turkey @RT_Erdogan demanding the release of wrongfully imprisoned American Pastor Andrew Brunson. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

04/20/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted ".@SenatorShaheen and I led a bipartisan group of 66 Senators to send a letter to the President of Turkey, @RT_Erdogan, demanding the release of wrongfully imprisoned American Pastor Andrew Brunson. #FreeAndrewBrunson #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

04/16/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "RT @SenRubioPress: Glad @State_IRF Ambassador Sam Brownback & @SenThomTillis are in #Turkey today to support American Pastor Andrew Brunson & attend his sham trial. Turkey should drop false charges against Brunson and release him immediately. "Read the tweet here.

04/04/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Pastor Andrew Brunson is a victim of false accusations, and we call upon the Turkish authorities to honestly and transparently review his indictment. He has been imprisoned on false charges for 544 days. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

04/03/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Pastor Andrew Brunson has been imprisoned on false charges at Buca Prison in Ismir, Turkey for 543 days. I’m continuing to work with @StateDept to reunite him with his family. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

03/30/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Pastor Brunson has been in Turkish prison for 539 days. I will continue to work with the @StateDept to reunite Pastor Brunson with his family. #FreePastorBrunson"Read the tweet here.

03/28/2018- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "I recently met with imprisoned American pastor Andrew Brunson at Buca Prison in Ismir, #Turkey. He has been imprisoned on false charges since October 7, 2016. I'm committed to working to #FreePastorBrunson and reuniting him with his family."Read the tweet here.

11/15/2017- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "Chairing a @HelsinkiComm hearing on Turkey's detention of U.S. citizens, including North Carolina native Andrew Brunson. Watch the hearing live: …"Read the tweet here.

11/15/2017- Sen. Thom Tillis tweeted "RT @HelsinkiComm: .@SenThomTillis on Turkey: our partners are strongest when we’re rooted in shared principles #ruleoflaw"Read the tweet here.

05/23/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

05/22/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Connor Lentz from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

05/22/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

04/30/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

04/20/2018 - Rob Mangas, Tim Hutchinson, K. Laurie McKay, Killoran Long, and Albert Wynn of Greenberg Traurig e-mailed Ted Lehman from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Turkish relations. Read the FARA filing here.

04/18/2018 - Rob Mangas, Tim Hutchinson, K. Laurie McKay, Killoran Long, and Albert Wynn of Greenberg Traurig spoke with Ted Lehman from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Turkish relations. Read the FARA filing here.

04/17/2018 - Rob Mangas, Tim Hutchinson, K. Laurie McKay, Killoran Long, and Albert Wynn of Greenberg Traurig called Ted Lehman from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Turkish relations. Read the FARA filing here.

03/22/2018 - Rob Mangas, Tim Hutchinson, K. Laurie McKay, Killoran Long, and Albert Wynn of Greenberg Traurig met with Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Turkish relations. Read the FARA filing here.

03/21/2018 - Rob Mangas, Tim Hutchinson, K. Laurie McKay, Killoran Long, and Albert Wynn of Greenberg Traurig called Angela Schulze from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Turkish relations. Read the FARA filing here.

03/16/2018 - Rob Mangas, Tim Hutchinson, K. Laurie McKay, Killoran Long, and Albert Wynn of Greenberg Traurig e-mailed Angela Schulze from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Turkish relations. Read the FARA filing here.

03/16/2018 - Rob Mangas, Tim Hutchinson, K. Laurie McKay, Killoran Long, and Albert Wynn of Greenberg Traurig e-mailed Bo Prosch from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Turkish relations. Read the FARA filing here.

03/12/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

03/05/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

02/23/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

02/23/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

02/23/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

02/23/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

01/31/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

01/31/2018 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Courtney Temple from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

07/12/2017 - Lobbyists from BGR Government Affairs, LLC e-mailed Bill Bode from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Azerbaijan relations. Read the FARA filing here.

05/09/2017 - Rob Mangas, Tim Hutchinson, K. Laurie McKay, Killoran Long, and Albert Wynn of Greenberg Traurig e-mailed Bill Bodie from the office of Sen. Thom Tillis regarding U.S.-Turkish relations. Read the FARA filing here.

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