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The credit goes to you

Dear Friend,

100 to 0.

A unanimous Senate victory.

A landmark triumph for truth and justice.

A crushing defeat for Erdogan and his lies.

Because of you, the Senate has joined the House in locking-in recognition of the Armenian Genocide – the cold-blooded mass murder of our families.

The credit goes to proud and principled Armenians and supporters of justice like you, who never gave up and never gave in. Who fought and won – against awesome odds

— If you support this victory, contribute this Christmas.

— If you respect our hard work, please give generously.

— If you want to strengthen the ANCA, donate today.

Your renewed financial support will sustain this momentum – fully and forever over-riding Ankara’s veto over U.S. policy, strengthening our homeland, promoting our heritage, and empowering our next generation.

Your support over the past 12 months also delivered concrete results across the full range of our 2019 policy priorities:

— Congressional amendments adding $40 million in Armenia aid, funding Artsakh de-mining, blocking arms to Azerbaijan, and strengthening the defense of Artsakh’s borders.

— The upgrade of U.S.-Armenia relations to a Strategic Dialogue.

Influential new Armenian American job placements in key Washington, DC political, policy, government, and media positions.

Please contribute today as your thanks for all we’ve accomplished, as your investment in all we have yet to achieve, or in honor of a family member or friend.

Please donate today to empower the advocacy of the ANCA (not tax-deductible) or the educational work of the ANCA Endowment Fund (tax-deductible).

Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your faith and friendship.

Merry Christmas,





PS – As always, I warmly welcome your thoughts. Please call or email me any time: 202-742-8700 cell or aram@anca.org.

Your generosity empowers our advocacy, inspires our work, and sustains our momentum.