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Dear Friend,


I want to share with you two things.


First – what we’re accomplishing today.


Then – how we’re investing in tomorrow.


I’ll jump right in.


Working hard – with allies across Capitol Hill – we have passed pro-Armenian amendments to both the Foreign Aid Bill and National Defense Authorization Act.


With your generous help – over sustained Turkish and Azerbaijani attacks – we succeeded in building strong bipartisan majorities for pro-Armenian measures:


— Prohibiting U.S. military training and equipment aid to Azerbaijan, and requiring a State Department report on the human rights violations committed by units that have received U.S. assistance.


— Demanding Azerbaijan’s immediate and unconditional release of illegally held and abused Armenian Prisoners of War (POWs).


— Mandating official U.S. investigations into war crimes – including Turkey’s recruitment of Syrian jihadist terrorists, Azerbaijan’s use of illegal cluster bomb and white phosphorous, and the discovery of U.S. parts in the Turkish killer drones deployed against Artsakh.


— Requiring an official State Department report on the shameful lack of sufficient U.S. humanitarian aid to the 100,000 Armenians ethnically cleansed by Azerbaijan from their Artsakh homeland – and plans for future U.S. assistance to the Armenians of Artsakh.


— Banning Turkey’s Grey Wolves – an openly racist, group that actively targets Armenians – as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.


Each of these ANCA initiatives hold Azerbaijan and Turkey accountable for their venomous hatred –their ongoing violence against our homeland, our proud people, our imprisoned souls, and our most sacred holy sites.


We are now working on the Senate side – where, just yesterday, legislators introduced three powerful ANCA-backed amendments. The first enforces Section 907, cutting off all U.S. aid to Azerbaijan. The others require that the Administration report to Congress on Azerbaijani war crimes and Turkey’s killer drone program.


This progress – and all we aim to achieve – would not be possible without your faith, your friendship, and your continued financial support.


It’s that simple.


That straight-forward.


You – and families like yours – make all the difference.


Your financial donations drive our pro-Armenian progress.


Today – addressing current crises – and for decades to come.


Which brings me to my second message – our investments in the future.


Alongside our aggressive pro-Armenian advocacy, the ANCA invests non-stop in coming generations – through an array of free programs and services that inspire and empower our youth:


— The ANCA’s signature Capital Gateway Program – named in memory of inspirational Armenian Youth Federation leader Hovig Apo Saghdejian – helps young Armenian Americans launch successful public policy, government, political, and media careers in Washington, DC, by providing free housing as well as professional training, job-search support, mentorships, and networking.


— The ANCA’s Summer Internship – named after legendary activist Leo Sarkisian and now well into its fourth decade – is an internationally respected training program for university students. We also host a summer fellowship named in honor of Maral Melkonian Avetisyan, as well as semester-long internships for current university and graduate students.


— The ANCA’s three-day Rising Leaders program introducing young activists to ANCA advocacy and career opportunities in Washington, DC – featuring a full day on Capitol Hill named after the great ANCA activist Lucine Kouchakdjian.


— The ANCA’s week-long Summer Academy – named in honor of community leaders Haroutioun and Elizabeth Kasparian – for high-school students interested in learning about advancing pro-Armenian priorities.


All of our youth empowerment programs are based out of the Aramian House in Washington DC’s historic Dupont Circle neighborhood, a purchase made possible through the generous support of the remarkable Aramian sisters, Sue, the late Margo, and the late Martha.


For today and tomorrow.


For our community and our cause.


For our sacred homeland and our heritage.


Please renew your financial support today by donating as generously as you can.


Call me on my direct line at (202) 742-8700 or to write me at aram@anca.org any time you’d like to share a suggestion or just ask a question.



To learn about planned giving options please visitor www.anca.org/ways-to-donate, or email us confidentially at plannedgiving@anca.org.

Your generosity empowers our advocacy, inspires our work, and sustains our momentum.