Dear _____________,
What a year!
A stunning 405-11 vote to pass the Armenian Genocide Resolution.
A rare show of bipartisan unity, in an otherwise deeply divided Washington.
With your help, we’ve established – as the official policy of the House of Representatives – that the United States will always recognize the Armenian Genocide and forever reject Turkey’s denials.
We’re already hard at work in the Senate, and – when that’s done, we’ll get the White House on the right side as well.
We are – together – overriding the longest-lasting foreign veto over U.S. policy in American history.
Your faith, friendship, and financial generosity made this historic step possible.
And it’s your devotion that drives our progress on all our priorities – a strong Armenia, a secure Artsakh, justice for the Genocide, and, ultimately, the realization of a fully united Armenia.
It’s especially meaningful that the U.S. House on H.Res.296 represented the very best of both our American and our Armenian traditions.