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What a year!

Dear _____________,

What a year!

A stunning 405-11 vote to pass the Armenian Genocide Resolution.

A rare show of bipartisan unity, in an otherwise deeply divided Washington.

With your help, we’ve established – as the official policy of the House of Representatives – that the United States will always recognize the Armenian Genocide and forever reject Turkey’s denials.

We’re already hard at work in the Senate, and – when that’s done, we’ll get the White House on the right side as well.

We are – together – overriding the longest-lasting foreign veto over U.S. policy in American history.

Your faith, friendship, and financial generosity made this historic step possible.

And it’s your devotion that drives our progress on all our priorities – a strong Armenia, a secure Artsakh, justice for the Genocide, and, ultimately, the realization of a fully united Armenia.

It’s especially meaningful that the U.S. House on H.Res.296 represented the very best of both our American and our Armenian traditions.

— It was good for America, because we want the United States to speak with moral authority, not be bullied into silence by a foreign dictator.

— It was good for at-risk populations worldwide, we’re destroying the dangerous precedent of a genocide committed and denied with impunity.

— And it was good for Armenia, because our homeland can’t be secure as long as it’s bordered by an angry, over-armed, and unrepentant perpetrator of genocide.

This landmark victory has added to the respect we’ve earned in Washington, reinforcing our reputation as the group the Wall Street Journal calls a “powerful and well-organized lobbying force across the country.”

But it’s just part of our strategic portfolio of policy priorities, all aligned with the long-term security, prosperity, and viability of our Armenian homeland and heritage.

Here are a few quick updates on the rest of our 360-degree advocacy agenda:

— On the Artsakh front, we recently helped host a productive visit to Washington, DC by the Republic’s Foreign Minister, and – of course – we welcomed the visits to Stepanakert this Fall by three Members of Congress (Aliyev added each of them to his “blacklist,” barring future visits to Azerbaijan). And we’re pushing bipartisan legislation to remove remaining barriers to U.S.-Artsakh travel and communication.

— On Capitol Hill, we passed four pro-Armenian amendments in the U.S. House. One added $40 million in aid to Armenia, another appropriated funds to complete Artsakh de-mining. And two challenged Azerbaijan’s aggression. All passed with bipartisan support. In addition, we secured the signatures of over 100 U.S. legislators on letters pushing back against attempts to cut funding for life-saving de-mining programs in Artsakh.

— We just offered testimony in Congress making the case for strengthening U.S.-Armenia strategic relations, and are working overtime ensure that America does all it can to contribute – politically, economically, militarily, and financially – to the remarkable progress of the Armenian people.

– Closer to home – within our ANCA family –we had a great summer internship and are currently helping our latest class of Hovig Apo Saghdejian Capital Gateway Fellows start political, policy, and media careers in our nation’s capital. Based out of the Aramian House (our landmark property in downtown Washington, DC) these bright, young Armenian Americans – all fresh out of university – represent the very best of our community.

There’s much more. To learn about how your donations deliver results every single day, follow us on-line or via our email updates. Plus, you can always drop me a line, or email me any time to ask questions, make suggestions, or just catch up. My direct phone number is (202) 742-8700 and my email address is aram@anca.org.

I want to hear from you, because your ideas matter.

And I am asking for your help, because your donations keep us strong.

Your generosity empowers our advocacy, inspires our work, and sustains our momentum.

So, please, this Christmas, take a moment to renew your financial support with a generous end-of-year gift.

As appreciation for our recent results, but – more importantly – as your investment in our future work.

Contribute online via our secure link to empower the advocacy of the ANCA (not tax-deductible) or the educational work of the ANCA Endowment Fund (tax-deductible).

Each dollar makes a difference. So please give what you can.

Merry Christmas,





PS – As always, I warmly welcome your thoughts. Please call or email me any time: 202-742-8700 cell or aram@anca.org.

Your generosity empowers our advocacy, inspires our work, and sustains our momentum.