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Dear Friend,


You know the ANCA advocates for pro-Armenian priorities, building bipartisan majorities to hold Azerbaijan and Turkey accountable:


— Blocking U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan.

— Demanding Aliyev release Armenian Prisoners of War.

— Mandating U.S. investigations of Azerbaijani and Turkish war crimes.

— Investigating U.S. parts in the Turkish drones deployed against Artsakh.

— Requiring a State Department report on U.S. assistance for Artsakh families.


What you may not know is that – in addition to all that we’re doing for our homeland today – we keep investing in tomorrow – through youth empowerment programs for high-schoolers, university students, and recent graduates.


The best investments we will ever make are in our youth.


We see this every time we help a young Armenian succeed, and then watch as they, in turn, give back to our community.


We’ve trained hundreds as activists and helped place hundreds more across Washington, DC – from the U.S. Congress and Federal agencies to top law firms, major consulting companies, leading media outlets, respected think tanks, and international development organizations.


Every new job placement is an especially heartwarming moment, one that nourishes the Armenian soul and strengthens our Armenian nation.


Good news for each graduate and greater power for our community.


Armenians helping Armenians. Giving back. Paying it forward.


One generation serving, sacrificing for the next.


This simple idea’s as ancient as our nation. As modern as the cutting edge services we offer to help our youth reach for their dreams.


With your special year-end Christmas gift, we can do so much more.


Your Christmas contribution – in addition to strengthening our pro-Armenian advocacy, will expand our free youth programs and services:


— The ANCA’s signature Hovig Apo Saghdejian Gateway program, which helps young Armenian Americans launch successful careers by providing free housing and professional training, job-search support, mentorships, and networking.


— The ANCA’s Leo Sarkisian Summer Internship, which provides free policy, research, and advocacy training for university students.


— The ANCA’s three-day Rising Leaders program, which introduces young activists to ANCA advocacy and career opportunities – generously sponsored by Dean Shahinian and featuring a full day on Capitol Hill named in memory of the late Lucine Kouchakdjian.


— The ANCA’s week-long Haroutioun and Elizabeth Kasparian Summer Academy for high-school students interested in learning about advancing pro-Armenian priorities.


All our results – in driving pro-Armenian policy and empowering Armenian youth – are possible because of you and friends like you across America. 


That’s why, this Christmas – with all the challenges facing our homeland and all the opportunities before our youth – your renewed financial support is truly more vital than ever.


Please contribute today as generously as you can.



PS – Here is a photo of one of the many youth groups that visit the ANCA for fun, friendly and inspiring workshops.

Your generosity empowers our advocacy, inspires our work, and sustains our momentum.