ANCA Election Center - 2024

Armenian American voters – a highly networked, politically engaged electoral constituency situated in hotly-contested swing states – are positioned to play a pivotal role in what promises to be a close 2024 presidential election.

Here are the top five reasons why:

  1. Vibrant, well-established Armenian American communities flourish in swing states, including Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada.
  2. A large number of Americans of Armenian heritage – a community well represented across the U.S. political spectrum, with strong anchors in both the Democratic and Republican camps – consistently demonstrate their willingness to cross party lines to support candidates who have distinguished themselves as effective advocates for issues of special concern to Armenian Americans.
  3. Armenian Americans are networked with a broad array of coalition partners, including similarly well-positioned Christian communities with roots in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Greater Middle East, including Greeks, Serbs, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Lebanese, Arameans, Maronites, and others.
  4. The “HyeVotes” campaign – launched in 2012 and active across the United States – has registered tens of thousands of Armenian American voters, encouraging unprecedented levels of civic engagement and get-out-the-vote efforts for elections up and down the ballot.
  5. In the wake of Azerbaijan’s genocidal ethnic cleansing of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), ongoing occupation, and aggression against Armenia, Armenian American voters are highly motivated to advance pro-Armenian Executive Branch and Legislative policies.

U.S. Presidential Elections 2024

ANCA Presidential Candidate Overview—The ANCA has given both the Trump-Pence Administration and the Biden-Harris Administration a failing grade regarding their policies on Armenia and Artsakh.

  • Read the ANCA news item on the Trump-Pence Administration
  • Read the ANCA news item on the Biden-Harris Administration
  • Check out the ANCA’s compiled information on each presidential candidate’s record on Armenian American concerns.

U.S. Congressional Elections 2024

Voter Registration

Voting is a right and a responsibility. Though each U.S. state has its own rules, three criteria are common among all:

1) You must be a U.S. Citizen
2) You must by 18 years of age by election day (The 2024 general election date is Tuesday, November 5th)
3) You must meet your state’s residency requirements

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