Australian legislators have recognized the Armenian Genocide in 1997. If you know of other documents to be added to this list – old or new – please send a note to We look forward to showcasing them.

Parliament of New South Wales
Legislative Assembly
Wednesday, May 8, 2013


This House:

(1) notes that on 17 April 1997 this House recognised and condemned the Genocide of the Armenians by the then Ottoman Government between 1915 and 1922, and designated 24 April of every year thereafter as a day of remembrance of the 1.5 million Armenians who
fell victim to the first genocide of the twentieth century;

(2) recognises that Assyrians and Greeks were subjected to qualitatively similar genocides by the then Ottoman Government between 1915 and 1922;

(3) reaffirms its condemnation of the genocide of the Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks, and all other acts of genocide as the ultimate act of intolerance;

(4) recognises the importance of remembering and learning from such dark chapters in human history to ensure that such crimes against humanity are not allowed to be repeated;

(5) acknowledges and pays tribute to the contribution of the Anzac servicemen who aided the survivors of the genocide; and

(6) acknowledges the significant humanitarian relief contribution made by the people of New South Wales to the victims and survivors of the genocide.

Parliament of South Australia
House Assembly
April 30, 2009


Whereas the genocide by the Ottoman state between 1915-1923 of Armenians, Hellenes, Syrian and other minorities in Asia Minor is one of the greatest crimes against humanity, the people of South Australia and this House –

(a) join the members of the Armenian-Australian, Pontian Greek-Australian and Syrian-Australian communities in honouring the memory of the innocent men, women and children who fell victim to the first modern genocide;

(b) condemns the genocide of the Armenians, Pontian Greeks, Syrian Orthodox and other Christian minorities, and all other acts of genocide as the ultimate act of racial, religious and cultural intolerance;

(c) recognises the importance of remembering and learning from such dark chapters in human history to ensure that such crimes against humanity are not allowed to be repeated;

(d) condemns and prevents all attempts to use the passage of time to deny or distort the historical truth of the genocide of the Armenians and other acts of genocide committed during this century;

(e) acknowledges the significant humanitarian contribution made by the people of South Australia to the victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide and the Pontian Genocide; and

(f) calls on the commonwealth parliament officially to condemn the genocide. I move this motion today to recognise an important historical event that continues to speak to us today. I know that what I say will draw anger from the Turkish establishment. I will refer to some specific criticisms of my remarks on this topic later.

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Parliament of New South Wales
Legislative Assembly
April 29, 1998


This House:

(1) recognises the first anniversary of the passing of the historic motion by the Legislative Assembly condemning the Armenian genocide of 1915;

(2) now requests the Presiding Officers to accept from the Armenian community a permanent commemorative display to be placed within the parliamentary precincts in such a manner as the Presiding Officers jointly determine; and

(3) sends a message to the Legislative Council requesting it to pass a similar motion

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Parliament of New South Wales
Legislative Assembly
April 17, 1997


That, whereas 24 April 1997 marks the occasion of the eighty-second anniversary of the commemoration of the genocide of the Armenians by the then Ottoman Government between 1915-1922, this House:

(a) joins the members of the New South Wales Armenian community in honouring the memory of the 1.5 million men, women and children who fell victim to the first genocide to the twentieth century;

(b) condemns the genocide of the Armenians and all other acts of genocide committed during our century as the ultimate act of racial, religious and cultural intolerance;

(c) recognises the importance of remembering and learning from such dark chapters in human history to ensure that such crimes against humanity are not allowed to be repeated;

(d) condemns and prevents all attempts to use the passage of time to deny or distort the historical truth of the genocide of the Armenians and other acts of genocide committed during this century;

(e) designates 24 April in every year hereafter throughout New South Wales as a day of remembrance of the 1.5 million Armenians who fell victim to the first genocide of this century; and

(f) calls on the Commonwealth Government to officially condemn the genocide of the Armenians and any attempt to deny such crimes against humanity

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