Czech legislators have recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2015 and 2017. If you know of other documents to be added to this list – old or new – please send a note to We look forward to showcasing them.

Czech Parliament Resolution on the Armenian Genocide 

April 25, 2017 

Proposed by Parliamentarian Robin Bönisch on April 25th, 2017.

“The Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic condemns the crimes against humanity committed against the Jews, Roma and Slavs in the territories conquered by the Nazis during the Second World War; condemns the Armenian Genocide and genocides of other ethnic and religious minorities which took place within the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War, as well as genocidal acts committed in other parts of the globe, and calls on the international community to effectively halt human and civilian rights violations in the world as well as resolve disputes through peaceful means.”

Status: Unanimously approved by the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic (vote 414).

Original Text (In Czech)

“Poslanecká sněmovna Parlamentu České republiky odsuzuje zločiny proti lidskosti prováděné nacisty v letech druhé světové války na židovském, romském a slovanském obyvatelstvu na ovládnutých územích, genocidu Arménů a dalších národnostních a náboženských menšin na území Osmanské říše v období první světové války, jakož i další genocidní násilí kdekoliv na Zemi, a vyzývá mezinárodní společenství k účinné prevenci porušování lidských a občanských práv ve světě a k řešení sporů mírovými prostředky.”

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Proposal to adopt V 26 About the Armenian Genocide

January 26, 2017 

Proposal to adopt The Parliament confirms its decision no. V 54 of 19 May 2015 on the tragic and bloody events that took place in eastern Anatolia in the period 1915-1923. The Danish Parliament finds that the best path to reconciliation will be an open dialogue about the story on the basis of a free and uncensored history research, including the release of all official documents from the period. The Parliament regrets that Turkish law prohibits citizens and media to use the term “genocide” about the events, and considers this to be an unreasonable restriction of both academic freedom and freedom of expression relates to the use of this term. Parliament maintains its parliamentary tradition not to issue judgments about historical events.

Adopted by 89 votes for the proposal (S, DF, W, LA, RV, KF) 9 votes against the proposal (EL) 11 votes of abstentions from the proposal (ALT, Zenia Stampe (RV), SF)

Original Text (In Czech)

Folketinget bekræfter sin vedtagelse nr. V 54 af 19. maj 2015 vedrørende de tragiske og blodige begivenheder, som udspillede sig i det østlige Anatolien i perioden 1915-1923. Folketinget finder, at den bedste vej til forsoning vil være en åben dialog om historien på grundlag af en fri og ucensureret historieforskning, herunder frigivelse af alle officielle dokumenter fra perioden. Folketinget beklager, at tyrkisk lovgivning forbyder borgere og medier at bruge betegnelsen »folkedrab« om begivenhederne, og finder, at dette udgør en urimelig begrænsning af såvel forskningsfriheden som ytringsfriheden uden hermed at forholde sig til anvendelsen af denne benævnelse. Folketinget fastholder dermed sin parlamentariske tradition for ikke at udstede domme over historiske begivenheder.

Vedtaget 89 stemmer for forslaget (S, DF, V, LA, RV, KF) 9 stemmer imod forslaget (EL) 11 stemmer hverken for eller imod forslaget (ALT, Zenia Stampe (RV), SF)

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