Venezuelan legislators have recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2005. If you know of other documents to be added to this list – old or new – please send a note to We look forward to showcasing them.
Venezuelan legislators have recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2005. If you know of other documents to be added to this list – old or new – please send a note to We look forward to showcasing them.
Venezuela National Assembly
July 14, 2005
The National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
President: Nicolas Maduro Moros
Resolution: Agreement by means of which this Assembly expresses to the Armenian people, its government, and the strong and growing Armenian-Venezuelan community the endorsement of their just and delayed humanitarian vindication.
Official Gazette: No. 38.230 of 7/18/2005
The first scientifically planned, organized and executed genocide in the history of humanity took place 90 years ago, perpetrated by the regime of the Young Turks” and their ideology of “Pan Turkism”, against the Armenian people, involving the extermination of almost two million people;
Crimes of this nature must be denounced in order to prevent them from happening again, in order to restore to the victims their human and national rights and to condemn the perpetrators;
This genocide merits repudiation by the Turkish people and all people of the world;
The people and the State of Venezuela have continuously condemned terrorism and racial, ethnical, religious and political discrimination;
The people and the State of Venezuela permanently struggle against ll types of terrorism, including State Terrorism;
Due to political causes and interests, there is an ongoing attempt to change history through the negation of this genocide
The National Assembly Resolves
First: Express to the Armenian people, their government and the strong Armenian-Venezuelan Community, the support of their valid and delayed humanitarian aspirations of justice.
Second: Request from the European Union to postpone Turkey’s membership bid, until the recognition by Turkey of the Armenian Genocide.
Third: Designate a committee of the National Assembly to deliver this resolution to the Armenian Parliament and Armenian religious authorities.
Fourth: Form a Venezuela-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group.
Fifth: To publicize this resolution.
Given, signed, and sealed, in the Federal Legislative Palace, headquarters of the National Assembly, in Caracas, on the 14th day of the month of July of 2005. Year 195th of the Independence and 146th year of Federation.
Nicolas Maduro Moros, President
Ricardo Gutierrez, First Vice President
Pedro Carreno, Second Vice President
Ivan Zerpa Guerrero, Secretary
Jose Gregorio Viana, Undersecretary
Acuerdo No. A-56 14/7/05
Presidente: Maduro Moros, Nicolas
Acuerdo: Acuerdo mediante el cual esta Asamblea expresa al pueblo armenio, a su gobierno y a la pujante comunidad armenio-venezolana el respaldo en sus justas y postergadas reivindicaciones humanitarias
Gaceta Oficial: N°38.230 del 18-07-05
CONSIDERANDO Que se cumplen 90 años del primer genocidio científicamente planificado, organizado y ejecutado en la historia de la humanidad, perpetrado por el régimen de los denominados “Jóvenes Turcos” y la ideología del “Panturquismo” contra el pueblo armenio, el cual significó el exterminio de casi dos millones de personas;
CONSIDERANDO Que crímenes de esta naturaleza deben ser denunciados para impedir que se repitan, así como restituir los derechos humanos y nacionales de las víctimas y condenar a los victimarios;
CONSIDERANDO Que este genocidio merece el repudio del pueblo turco y de todos los pueblos del mundo.
CONSIDERANDO Que el pueblo y el Estado venezolano han rechazado continuamente el terrorismo y la discriminación racial, étnica, religiosa o política;
CONSIDERANDO Que el pueblo y el Estado venezolano luchan permanentemente contra todo tipo de terrorismo, incluido el terrorismo de Estado;
CONSIDERANDO Que por causas e intereses políticos se intenta cambiar la historia y desconocer este genocidio;
PRIMERO: Expresar al pueblo armenio, a su gobierno y a la pujante comunidad armenio venezolana el respaldo en sus justas y postergadas reivindicaciones humanitarias.
SEGUNDO: Solicitar a la Unión Europea la postergación de la membresía de Turquía, en tanto el Gobierno de ese país no reconozca el genocidio armenio.
TERCERO: Designar una comisión de la Asamblea Nacional para entregar el presente Acuerdo al parlamento y a las autoridades religiosas armenias.
CUARTO: Constituir el Grupo Parlamentario de Amistad Venezuela – Armenia.
QUINTO: Dar publicidad al presente Acuerdo.
Dado, firmado y sellado, en el Palacio Federal Legislativo, sede de la Asamblea Nacional, en Caracas, a los catorce días del mes de julio de dos mil cinco. Año 195o de la Independencia y 146o de la Federación.
RICARDO GUTIÉRREZ Primer Vicepresidente
PEDRO CARREÑO Segundo Vicepresidente