More than 30 U.S. Representatives Call for $5 million in Aid to Karabakh; Over $40 million to Armenia; $10 Million for Syrian Armenians
Mar 22, 2016
As the Armenian Diaspora and human rights activists from around the world prepare for the 101st Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, Angelenos will join community artists to raise aware
Mar 22, 2016
ANCA Seeks $5 Million in Aid to Artsakh; Zero Military Aid to Azerbaijan, and; $10 Million to Help Armenia Transition those Fleeing Syria
Mar 21, 2016
WASHINGTON, DC -- Armenian American community leader and respected Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Board Member Raffi Hamparian will serve as the organization's next nat
Mar 18, 2016
Statement follows Unanimous House Vote; Intense Pressure from Faith-based and Civic Groups, including ANCA
Mar 17, 2016
The Armenian National Committee of America – Dallas (ANCA-Dallas) announced this week that the much anticipated “Texas We Thank You” Gala, a celebration of century long Texas-Armenia friendship, will
Mar 17, 2016
Community Leaders Join Members of Congress, Armenian and Artsakh Diplomats for a Congressional Spotlight on Expanded U.S. Support for Armenia, Artsakh and the Armenian Cause
Mar 16, 2016
Pressure Builds on White House to Properly Characterize ISIL / Da'esh Killings Following Adoption of the Fortenberry-Eshoo Measure (H.Con.Res.75)
Mar 15, 2016
Advocates are Urged to Make a Quick Call to Support the ANCA's Fly-In for Peace, Prosperity, and Justice
Mar 11, 2016
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