ANCA-Backed Bipartisan Resolution Affirms that the United States Rejects Efforts to Associate the U.S. Government with Armenian Genocide Denial
Mar 11, 2019
ANCA Government Affairs Director Raffi Karakashian to Testify Tuesday, March 12th on FY2020 Foreign Aid Priorities
Mar 11, 2019
-- ANCA Backs Bipartisan Resolution Promoting Direct Dialogue, Strengthening Cease-Fire, and Returning Artsakh to the Peace Process
Mar 7, 2019
Trump Administration Decision Impacts Over $1 Billion in Annual Turkish Exports to U.S.
Mar 5, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Jackie Speier (D-CA) and Vice-Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) were joined by Representatives Judy Chu (D-CA)
Mar 4, 2019
International Association of Genocide Scholars President Dr. Henry Theriault Inaugurates “Capitol Hill Conversations about the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide”
Feb 28, 2019
HALC and ANCA Welcome Broad Bi-Partisan Support for Statutory Restrictions
Feb 14, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC – Speaking before a capacity crowd of young Armenian public policy professionals at the ANCA’s Aramian House, Armenian American Congresswoman Jackie Kanchelian Speier (D-CA) shar
Feb 13, 2019
Dr. Henry Theriault to Inaugurate Capitol Hill Conversation on Genocide Prevention and Punishment
Feb 13, 2019
ANCA Urged Public Release of Congressional Ethics Report, Contributing to Justice Department Investigation, Arrest, and Sentencing of Kemal Oksuz
Feb 12, 2019
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