Makes Case for Continued Support for Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh, the Defense of Section 907, and a Halt to Arms Deals with Turkey

April 2, 2003

WASHINGTON, DC – In testimony presented earlier today before a key Congressional committee, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) called for continued assistance to Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh, the defense of Section 907, and a halt to controversial U.S. arms sales to the Turkish military.

The ANCA’s testimony was presented by ANCA Chairman Kenneth Hachikian during an appearance in the U.S. Capitol before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations. The key points raised in the ANCA testimony include:

U.S. Assistance to Armenia
“The ANCA supports at a minimum a $90 million hard earmark for Armenia in the Fiscal Year 2004 foreign aid bill. This appropriation will help offset the devastating effects of the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades and help to continue Armenia’s political and economic transition. Specifically, these funds will be used to develop the economy and infrastructure, further strengthen democratic institutions, and meet the country’s current development and humanitarian needs. We are confident that, with this assistance, an economically viable Armenia will be a catalyst for development throughout the Caucasus and all of the New Independent States.”

Direct U.S. Aid to Nagorno Karabagh
“We believe that it is the responsibility of the United States and the international community to support the people of Nagorno Karabagh as they seek to bring an end to a conflict that has already claimed too many lives. Karabagh is blockaded by a hostile Azerbaijan, with the strong backing of Turkey. The people of Nagorno Karabagh are faced with pressing developmental and humanitarian needs and the difficult task of rebuilding the social and economic infrastructure of their republic. It is, therefore, imperative that the United States continues sending relief assistance and participate in this reconstruction effort without waiting for the final outcome of the OSCE negotiations. Targeted reconstruction support to Nagorno Karabagh will prove, over time, to be an investment in peace in a region of great strategic significance to the United States.”

Preserving Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act
“We respectfully call upon this panel to reassert Congressional authority to legislate guidelines governing our foreign aid policy by including a provision in the Fiscal Year 2004 foreign aid bill that allows the President to extend the authority to waive Section 907, on a year-to-year basis, only with explicit Congressional approval.”

Restrictions on U.S. Military Asistance to Azerbaijan
“We call upon Congress to carefully monitor the terms of the Presidential waiver of Section 907 and to exercize strict Congressional scrutiny of the use of any of these funds, including arms sales or transfers to Azerbaijan that will increase Azerbaijan’s offensive military capability or that could potentially be used by the Azerbaijani government against Nagorno Karagabagh or Armenia. In addition, we ask Congress to ensure parity in the assistance provided to Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Administration should demand of Azerbaijan written guarantees that this aid will in no way to be used against Armenia or Nagorno Karabagh, and request a full accounting of how Azerbaijan has allocated U.S. military assistance.”

“Common Sense” Conditions on U.S. Arms Sales to Turkey
“Sending billions of dollars worth of offensive weaponry to Turkey runs directly counter to the interests and values our government should be advancing in this region. These deals would represent a direct threat to human rights, particularly given the Turkish military’s consistent failure to distinguish between civilian and military targets. It would upset the regional military balance, sparking an arms race in an area of great strategic significance to the United States. And, finally, it would represent a direct threat to Armenia, Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey’s other neighbors.”

Rep. Pallone, Crowley, Schiff, and Visclosky Outline Priorities for Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh
As in years past, Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) outlined for the Subcommittee his assistance priorities for Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh, urging Subcommittee members that “funding for the South Caucus region remain a priority. As the United States continues to engage in conflicts throughout the world, the stated U.S. policy goals of ensuring peace, stability, regional cooperation, democratization and economic development in the South Caucus remain critical.” Rep. Pallone specifically commended the Subcommittee members for providing U.S. humantarian for Nagorno Karabagh since 1998 and urged that they include “in the FY 2004 Appropriations bill $5 million above and beyond the initial congressional appropriation of $20 million, which was included in the FY 2003 Omnibus Appropriations bill.”

Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA), Joe Crowley (D-NY) and Peter Visclosky (D-IN) all expressed grave concern about Turkey and Azerbaijan’s ongoing blockades of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh and the vital need for continued U.S. assistance to Armenia to help offset the devastating economic impact. Rep. Schiff explained that “the dual blockades of Armenia by Azerbaijan and Turkey continue to impede Armenia’s economic well-being. While Armenia continues to implement critical reforms in trade and monetary policy, government intervention in the economy, banking and property rights, it continues to be left out of regional and international trade. As long as Armenia is subjected to blockades on its east and west borders, continued U.S. assistance to Armenia is necessary to help minimize their impact. At a minimum, Armenia should receive the same level of funding in FY 2004 as it did in FY 2003 – ‘not less than’ $90 million.”

Rep. Visclosky expressed similar concerns and urged vigilance with regard to the Presidential waiver of Section 907 restrictions on U.S. assistance to Azerbaijan. “At a time when Armenia is working towards integrating its economy with the West, the blockade has virtually isolated Armenia. Armenia is landlocked and in the past 85 percent of all goods destined to Armenia went through Azerbaijan. In addition, Armenia’s primary natural gas pipeline traverses Azerbaijan. Not to revisit Section 907 would only serve to legitimize Azerbaijan’s illegitimate acts of aggression.”

Rep. Crowley expressed specific concerns about the Administration’s proposal to reduce U.S. aid to Armenia to $49 million. He argued that “in past years, Armenia has consistently received $90 million, and shown results. These funds have helped Armenia develop its economy and infrastructure, and have further strengthened its parliamentary process and led to democratic elections. Armenia is one of our strongest allies in the Caucasus region.” He went on to note that “U.S. assistance to Armenia helps the Armenian people expand their economic partnership with the United States by creating an economic and political environment conducive to greater U.S.-Armenia trade and direct investment. Additionally, I would recommend that U.S. assistance programs, such as U.S. AID, work with local indigenous organizations in Armenia, such as the Armenian Relief Society, to continue to build upon this nation’s social, economic, and humanitarian successes.”

Testimony on Armenian American concerns was also offered by Ross Vartian, Executive Director of the Armenian Assembly of America.

The full text of the ANCA testimony follows.


For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
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Armenian National Committee of America
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