House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce Leads Bipartisan Congressional Tribute to 22 Years of Artsakh Independence
Dec 3, 2013
Glendale, CA - As President Obama began his visit to Glendale, California this morning, home to over 90,000 Armenian Americans, religious and community leaders held a press conference to call o
Nov 26, 2013
What: As President Obama visits the epicenter of the Armenian community in the United States, religious and community leaders will hold a press conference to call on the President to stop block
Nov 25, 2013
The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region announced today that the ANCA Grassroots Conference Hyevotes panel packed with distinguished elected officials, high level staffers and camp
Nov 23, 2013
The ANCA-WR is honored and excited to announce the Ghailian Family as the banquet sponsor for the 2013 ANCA-WR Annual Gala Banquet. Philanthropy is a cornerstone of the Ghailian family which includes
Nov 23, 2013
Supports Shift of Bilateral Dialogue from Aid to Trade
Nov 22, 2013
The Syrian Crisis, the Kurdish Issue, Turkish Minorities and Armenian factors to be examined during ANCA Grassroots “Western Armenia” Panel GLENDALE—On Saturday, November 30
Nov 21, 2013
GLENDALE—Actress and activist Arsinée Khanjian will be part of the “Film & Arts” panel at ANCA Grassroots, with her presentation scheduled for Friday November 29 at 6 p.m., organizers announced ove
Nov 20, 2013
Boston, MA — On Oct. 31, the Joint Committee on Education of the Massachusetts State Legislature held a public hearing on H. 420, “An Act Concerning Genocide Education”, which received support
Nov 19, 2013
Urge Community to Vote on November 19thOn Monday, November 11, the ANCA San Fernando Valley North and West Chapters hosted a successful fundr
Nov 15, 2013
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