As you all know the ANCA just had its telethon. I have never participated in a telethon before so this was all new to me. I don’t think anything could have prepared me for the day of. The day started
May 22, 2012
Yesterday, our much anticipated ANCA Telethon was held.  I had the honor of taking many of the calls and speaking to our generous contributors from all over the country.  I always imagined that being
May 21, 2012
Last week while I was in a store browsing through some items, a small, anxious child ran into me.  He was lost, but not frightened.  More than anything, he seemed annoyed (in a parental way) that his
May 19, 2012
Interning at the ANCA is not easy, but that does not mean that it is not fun. These past few months have been very hectic, but realizing it is almost over makes me a bit sad. I did not really understa
May 17, 2012
-- Efforts Led by Rep. Schiff Result in Proposed 150% Increase in Aid to Artsakh, Maintaining Assistance to Armenia, Prioritization of Aid to Javakhk, and Preserving Military Aid Parity between Yerevan and Baku
May 16, 2012
May 16, 2012
SACRAMENTO – Nearly 200 activists, from every corner of California, joined the Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) on Thursday, April 19, 2012, for the Commemoration of t
May 10, 2012
GLENDALE-The ANCA-WR is now accepting applications for the Summer Executive Internship Program. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 25. The internship will be from June 18 to August 24. The intens
May 3, 2012
Interning at ANCA has always been interesting, but this week and the weeks to follow are going to be even more action-packed than ever. To kick off everything, Thursday April 19th was Advocacy Day. I
Apr 30, 2012
Your generosity empowers our advocacy, inspires our work, and sustains our momentum.