“Use Maximum Pressure on Azerbaijani President,” Say Congressional leaders
Jan 18, 2023
Leaders of Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees Demand Azerbaijan Be Held Accountable
Jan 13, 2023
Biden Administration Required to Submit Artsakh Assistance Strategy within Sixty Days
Dec 23, 2022
Azerbaijani Sanctions; Emergency Aid for Artsakh are top priorities shared with Rep. Pallone and over 50 Congressional staff in hour-long online discussion
Dec 21, 2022
Congressional Letter Demands Sanctions on Azerbaijan and Support for Artsakh
Dec 17, 2022
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman and Armenian Caucus Condemn Azerbaijan’s Blockade of Artsakh
Dec 14, 2022
“Without accountability, there is no justice,” says Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Bob Menendez
Dec 1, 2022
Thanks Chairman Menendez for Shining Spotlight on Failed State Department Policies
Nov 30, 2022
Armenian Security, Artsakh Aid should be the Focus of Senate Confirmation Hearing
Nov 29, 2022
“It seems to me, the U.S. is in bed with Azerbaijan,” stated Chairman Menendez
Nov 16, 2022
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