This being my first
Jan 21, 2012
Dialogue Aims to Meet Urgent Need for Job-Creation in Armenian-Populated Region
Jan 20, 2012
Los Angeles, CA—The ANCA North and West San Fernando Valley Chapters, along with the ANCA Hollywood Chapter, organized the Armenian American communities of their respective areas to make a strong pres
Jan 20, 2012
Hollywood—The Armenian National Committee of America, Hollywood Chapter, warmly introduced Congressman Adam Schiff (D—CA) to the Hollywood community in a Town Hall held Sunday evening at the Armenian
Jan 20, 2012
Being the shy and timid person that I am, I find it difficult sometimes to communicate with others. I feel intimidated and self-conscious about what I have to say. Yesterd
Jan 19, 2012
Growing up in a typical Armenian family, assimilation continues to be a primary concern. My question is: How mu
Jan 19, 2012
The definition of activism defined from states, “The doctrine or practice of vigorous action or involvement as a means of achieving political or other goals
Jan 18, 2012
Community Groups ask Congressional Leaders to Press for Administration Investigation of the Use of U.S. Arms in Attack that Killed 35 Kurdish Boys and Young Men
Jan 10, 2012
HOLLYWOOD–The Armenian National Committee of America, Hollywood Chapter, is proud to introduce Congressman Adam Schiff to the Hollywood Armenian-American community in a Town Hall on the evening of Sun
Jan 9, 2012
The Armenian National Committee of Hollywood, in partnership with the Armenian Student Association at UCLA, the Bravo Medical Magnet High School Armenian Student Association, and the Hollywood Chapter
Dec 21, 2011
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