Ambassador-Designate Ricciardone Echoes Standard Obama Administration Line in Dodging Responsibility for Recognizing Armenian Genocide
Jul 20, 2010
Hearing Provides Platform for Senators to Question U.S. Policy on Armenian Genocide
Jul 16, 2010
WASHINGTON, DC - With less than a month remaining to the Colorado primaries, each of the four candidates in the state's highly-competitive Senate race have publicly staked out their stands in s
Jul 16, 2010
White House Protest Brings Together Anti-Genocide Activists to Mark Second Anniversary of al-Bashir War Crimes Indictment
Jul 14, 2010
Joins Anti-Genocide Groups in Urging State Department to Take Immediate Action to Prevent Further Atrocities In Sudan
Jul 12, 2010
Stresses Need for Strict Scrutiny of Nominee to Serve as U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan
Jul 12, 2010
Ground-Breaking Film Spotlights the International Impact of Turkey’s Genocide Denial
Jul 9, 2010
EL MONTE, CA – Yesterday, representatives of the Armenian National Committee of America - Pasade
Jul 7, 2010
Fails to Recognize Genocide or to Signal Obama Administration Shift away from U.S. Complicity in Turkey’s Denials
Jul 5, 2010
“If the founding fathers were following the State Department's logic in 1776, the U.S. would still be a British colony." – ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian
Jul 4, 2010
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